Historical American Figures
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Hint: These great Americans achieved many different things, but everything they did was driven by our ______!
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Who’s Anthony?
Another poor jumble exercise. 1) Who’s Douglass? If it’s Frederick Douglass, he wasn’t even born when the DOI was signed. 2) Is “Anthony” Susan B. Anthony? She wasn’t around until almost a century later. 3) AMAC screwed up the final clue which was supposed to give the letters for “freedom.” Where’d the “m” come from?
Interesting that the final word had an”m”, but none of the previous words did.
My puzzle didn’t have Anthony or Frederick Douglas in it! Very strange….AND…there was an M in the puzzle…Adams. Very strange…
AMAC needs a proofreader!
2:04…. Happy Fourth of July, AMAC friends! May God bless America and you.(-:
Great Puzzle AMAC. It fits nicely with the theme of historic American Figures. I very much like the Antony and Douglass touch because it made me think. Keep up the great work in developing wonderful games.
Where did the “m” come from?
Apperently, they changed some of the names, by the time I got around to doing this. I spent way too much time on the first one, so I went on and then realized that it was names they wer after, and also figured out what the first one must be without looking at the letters, again.
28 seconds
absolute personal best
2:01 Happy Birthday America!
I’m glad I’m not the only one wondering who Anthony is or where the “M” came from since none of the answers contained it!
Happy Independence Day, everyone! May God continue to bless America!
Everything was fine until the last word… No ‘R’! Make a word out of SFDOMEE!
Hmmm. Strange my puzzle didn’t have Anthony or Douglas but did have Madison. That’s where I got the “m” for Freedom
40 seconds
1:09, fastest I’ve ever been. Answers were Presidents and Freedom, super easy. I don’t get how people got Douglas and Anthony?
FWEEDOM! (cackles in the background)
I have seen worse puzzles here…..
Why does it matter how many word checks. You have to to know if it’s correct. They should say incorrect word checks.
1:52, no hints. The last word took longest, oddly enough.
I had trouble with Anthony. Not sure who that is. The rest were easy to figure out. And I’m with you all. . . where did the ‘m’ come from?
Did well this time!!! Thank you Rick Green for your citizen classes!!!
Bad Jumble. Have a happy Independence Day.
Personally, I think the answer should have been “creator” and all the names used to get to that.
1:29. No misses. I must be sleep walking…
1:30– Amazed myself. Have a great fourth!!
And, hopefully, a big and better future when election time comes around.
1:46 with no help. Happy 4th!!!
1:32 I think that is my best and no mistakes…..yeah. Happy 4th everyone!!
1:22 with 3 word hints!!