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Hint: What is the term for the place where your hike starts or stops -- where you cross over from being in civilization to being in the backcountry.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Thank you for waking up my brain this morning!
So excited that I was able to find the final question….wrong, but nonetheless, the thought was there. LOL I called it the headtrail…oops! Trailhead is so much more appropriate!!!!!!
5:32. I never heard of the word “trailhead”. I assume it’s a hiking term. I needed several attempts to finish this – including the first letter of some of the words.
one of my best ever. So surprised I had no bad attempts
2:44 with a few letter reveals. “Decline” had me stumped. I would say “downhill”.
Trailhead doesn’t make sense with the letters I was given….there is not e or a or d.
I did well on this puzzle. I am very thankful. It was much fun.
4:46. Good for my brain! Love doing these puzzles!
3:13. Got stuck on wilderness
4:00 I look forward to these puzzles each week. I learned about the American Discovery Trail which I did not know existed.
I knew trailhead from the question only; I used to teach backpacking. I had to guess at the others — got 2 of the 4. I do not seem to be very good at creating order from chaos.
was doing ok until wilderness. Don’t know why that one gave me such a problem, once I solved it.
Not to bad this time; better than usual. 3:08 but 4 hints
1:35 no misses
I had some trouble with getting the letters in when I missed one. Especially on wilderness – I pretty much figured it out but somehow all the letters wouldn’t go in their proper places. Must have spent half my time just deleting and retyping. Had to use quite a few hints on first letters, but finally got it all done.
58 seconds
Where can I find the AMAC jackets, hats, coffee mugs and other gear on the website?