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Hint: Hanukkah is known as the Festival of...
Hints Used on Letters:
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Incorrect Letters after Check:
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Check Attempts:
2:07 with 2 attempts and several letter hints. One of them I have no idea what it is. Not familiar with Jewish holidays.
Oy, didn’t do so well. A very Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate this holiday including my friends.
Well, I guess AMAC or their advisory is pushing for more response to this puzzle … makes the public more educated about Jewish interests????
No “S” in the four clue words.
3:14 needed a word hint on #3. I have no idea what that is.
Good puzzle. Lots of enjoyment. Looking forward to tomorrow’s puzzle.
okay…so I didn’t”t know how to spell Dreidel. now, I do and don’t know what it is. But, something was learned in 2:35!!
I enjoyed this! Happy Hanukkah my Jewish friends after all my savior was Jewish!!
And where exactly did the
“S” come from?
FYI. A Dreidel is a little 4 sided toy that you spin like a top. There are Hebrew letters on each side and when the top stops and it lands, the letter on top (an initial of a word) determines if you win the pot, part of the pot, or nothing.
2:28. I needed a hint for the word “celebration”. I know nearly nothing about the Jewish religion.
Did pretty good on this. Had to have a hint for celebration. The other four were easy. I have great respect for people of all other religions. Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate The Festival Of Lights!
1:21, no hints. My personal best.
41 seconds