Halloween Candy
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Hint: What candy was included in soldiers' rations during World War II?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
First, no mistakes
6 min. but no mistakes.
2:21 …not my best. The last one stumped me. I thought Hershey Bars were the candy included in World War II soldiers packs.
54 seconds. Too easy for this candy bar lover.
can’t start the puzzle??? the link sends me to a sells pitch for Diamond & Silk’s new book…
Took me longer because I wasn’t looking for names of candy bars. Seriously?? Types of candy would be better. Popcorn balls, candy corn, fudge, apples (not a candy, but we all got them in our baskets!) I thought this was a group from the “good old days!”
1:24. Once I figured our they were brand names it went much faster.
1:58 Fun!
Why aren’t govenors shutting down Halloween trick or treating? The govenors shut down Easter, churches, schools, restaurants, Universities, bars, sports venue.
Great puzzle. Not to hard; not to easy; just right. Love Halloween. Many pleasant memories.
58 sec.
I had trouble with SNICKERS; ironically it’s one of my favorite candy bars!
Thank you that was Fun, really enjoyed it
Ugh! Why can’t I solve these puzzles?
3:24. Got stuck on tootsie rolls but no hints or reveals
:52 Shows what a candy “junkie” some of us are!
Not great, but could have been worse. 2:17. I wasn’t looking for candy bars either. I had to use 2 reveals on tootsie rolls. Then it finally clicked what the answer was.
Dang if. Misspelled Butterfinger with a T at front, costing me valuable time, leading to 2:11 to finish
Best ever
0:43! Would have been quicker except that when I type the letters too quickly they don’t all register. Had to go back and make a correction. Then, I end up typing all subsequent letters more slowly in order to ensure that they all show up in the right box..
1:41. As usual could do much faster if I did not fat finger so many keys.
My phone doesn’t advance to the next space after I type a letter. I have manually move from block to block before typing the next letter. Does anyone have any suggestions? It works correctly on my computer. My times are horrible because of this.
29 seconds.
The last one stumped me and is my favorite. Duh