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Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Hint: A stone placed over a grave, to preserve the memory of the deceased.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:42 with a letter reveal each for words #2 and #3 (notice how I didn’t give away the answers in my comment by actually typing the words?) 😉
1:18 for me. Yahoo!
3:03. I had the correct answer – TOMBSTONE – but there were letters left over so I asked for a hint (the first letter which was a T). I just retyped TOMBSTONE and it was the right answer after all! I wasted 2+ minutes because of a mistake that AMAC made! After I retyped the correct answer there were FOUR LETTERS left over.
1:53 Average time for me on word scrambles. No more little ones to take trick or treating, even most of my grandchildren are too old for that, now. Happy Thursday and Happy Halloween everyone.
1:15 best score for a jumble for me
25 seconds
1:53 on my phone
2:04 with 4 hints
1:24 no hints, reveals or mistakes
1:05 no misses
Enough about halloween already!! I am sick of the scary movies and junk that floods my inbox every October! Why isn’t there a month of Thanksgiving in November??
1:32 with first letter reveal for spirits. Just couldn’t conjure up what it might be.
41 seconds. I worked the AMAC morning puzzle which took me just over three minutes. I usually work either one or the other (AM or PM) but I decided to work both puzzles.
39 seconds only because I got only 3 letters in the word TOMBSTONE and had to start over.
35 secs, no hints, no runs, no errors
39 sec. Easy peasy.
1:31. Spirits got me. Used a couple letter hints on it.
2:07 1 letter hint on, of all things, October. I just couldn’t figure it out without the first letter..LOL
Whoa! 41 seconds. Well done!
1:09 Wishing everyone a safe Halloween!
1:09 no reveals
This is something I am not good at. 1:48 w/4 letter hints.
Happy Halloween
My best ever – 39 seconds!
Should have been a record time, for me, but I somehow missed the first s in the second word, When I tried to correct it, it put a second p in it. Had to delete it and start it all over again. I recognised every word immediately, but in my haste, I made too many mistakes. I’ll try this again, later, but I’ll take my time and probably finish faster, for whatever that’s worth.
32 seconds; a record time for me. Would have been even quicker but had to repeat the second word due to misidentifying it.
Option to be timed or not
1:36 no reveals! That’s not easy for me. Scrambled words are my nemesis.
Somehow my brain saw “yummy” instead of “mummy”!
2;31. I had trouble with October, if you can believe that. I used 2 letter hits on that.
You finished the puzzle in 8:51
Hints Used on Letters: 4
Hints Used on Words: 0
Reveal Puzzle Used: No
Incorrect Letters after Check: 17
Incorrect Words after Check: 5
Check Attempts: 6
I have no regrets…
or reasonable excuses.
2:00 the best I’ve done. Normally not good at these.
Enjoyed doing this. I like word games.
84 seconds
Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween.