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Hint: After a heroic day of turning fairways into confetti, donating balls to the water, and taking more mulligans than magician has tricks, this is the spot where you kick back, and creatively recount the epic saga of your golf prowess.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:26 The “hint:” gave away one of the words. 🙂
54 seconds. Used to play and now love to watch. Golf courses are the most relaxing places on earth
39 seconds. I’ve always read and spelled it “bogey.”
58 sec. Easy
2:13… 1 letter hint… not too bad for someone who only played golf once in her life. There were so many mosquitoes, I decided to never golf again! Lol
2:15. Used three letter hints on “mulligans”. I’ve never played golf, so I think I did okay on this.
1:24…again don’t care about golf at all!
3:27 three letters used
When I first started doing these puzzles, the word jumbles came out o.k. Now, the last one that has the clue, never shows the right amount of letters. Sometimes, I can guess from the clue. Sometimes, there just aren’t enough letters. I’ve seen someone else complain of this, so I know I’m not the only one.
41 seconds…I am amazed I did that well.
Good grief! Should have been under a minute, but spent way too much time on the first word. Did 3 & 4 and got 5 with just 3 letters in the clue. Went back to 2 and got it, then spent more time on #1. I just couldn’t focus on it and finally revealed it. Then stared at it for several seconds before remembering to hit the “check puzzle” button in order to stop the timer, for a finish time of 2:43. That, after spending most of my time on the links in the answer to #1. Such a short word, should have been a “gimme.”
1:46. Not a golfer….don’t know what mulligans are or is?
47 sec – easy one today…at least for me!
42 seconds – no hints
Only 4 letters circled in the puzzle words.
1:21…no hints…never played golf
1:29 no hints
1:33 with no hints….. It’s almost golf time in northern Mn!!
let’s golf.
1:35 Though only scored half in quiz, this jumble was easier for sure.