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Hint: After germination from a seed a young plant is called a
Hints Used on Letters:
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Incorrect Letters after Check:
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Wow, Did not get any. More coffee?
Yup, safe to say that I know absolutely nothing about gardening …!
big trouble with perennials
1:19 with no hints nor errors though I had to correct myself on perennials before finishing the spelling. Forgot the second n ‘til I looked again before finishing the word. Also temporarily stalled on ladybug but got it after seedling. I enjoy the challenge.
2:20 not too good today
I too had trouble with ladybug.Still fun.
Ladybug was tough to figure out.
6:17 using 7 letter hints. This is the absolute worst I’ve ever done. Great puzzle!!
For some reason lady bugs are attracted to me. I end up crawling with them, and my wife gets jealous. Only word I got without any hints. 4:05, 19 hints.
This was a very difficult puzzle for me. I forgot the theme for this week’s puzzles. I now realize I needed to look at the prior 2 puzzles to recall the puzzle theme. This would have my mind focused on the correct theme which would help me greatly. Great puzzle.
2:44 I needed a few letter hints and a whole word hint for perennials as I couldn’t get the spelling right. I’m not much of a gardener though I have managed to keep 2 house plants alive for 2 years. Fun puzzle. Happy Thursday everyone.
Let’s see. 12 letter hints and the only one that came to me was “Ladybug”. The rest not so much. Horrible time of 10:09. Happy Thursday to you all.
:50 Wow, this was a hard one. Wheelbarrow was my toughest, followed by ladybug.
1:40 but I needed three first-letter hints. Still fun, though.
3:55. Not a great time, but got stuck on wheelbarrow and needed 2 hints. Great puzzle!
After several minutes, and no answers, I nearly gave up. But then one jumped out at me so I kept at it. Then I got a second one and that gave me enough letters to get the last one.I’m paused right now, thinking about trying letter hints to see if I can finish, or should I reveal the rest of the words and go lick my wounds. Well, I went with a letter hint and got one more, but 3 letter hints on the last one didn’t help so Idid a word reveal. Turns out that it was the one I should have figured out right off the bat, as my wife mentions it often. 7:55 with 5 letter hints and 1 word hint.
You finished the puzzle in 8:06
Hints Used on Letters: 6
Hints Used on Words: 0
Reveal Puzzle Used: No
Incorrect Letters after Check: 0
Incorrect Words after Check: 0
Check Attempts: 1
Yep, not so great for me. I Do Not have a green thumb.
I kill everything I touch, so this score is not surprising.
Interesting puzzle