La Belle France
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Hint: The highest mountain found in France.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:23 – lucky guesses!
3:27 Several one-letter reveals.
My absolute worst! 8:42 with 4 letter hints. I do like tough ones, though.
3:10 Too many first, second and even third letter reveals. Not very familiar with France. Is Macarons a pastry or the leader of France?
What are baguettes?
2:00 & only 5 full word reveals…. that’s the truth! :} i stink at these things, but this was the worst ever
I’m out…
I’m terrible at these – – bad enough in English, but France???????
4:56; 3 hints. That’s a terrible score–even for me.
This was a terrible WORD JUMBLE. I took French in high school. Macaroons was misspelled; it should be macaroOns; someone left out the second ‘O’. I never ran across some of these “supposedly” French words; and the final set of letters made absolutely no sense at all. Fortunately I knew that answer: MONT BLANC. I think you need to get a new proofreader!
interesting discussion
1:46 which is pretty good for me.
Can’t believe I mispelled Napoleon and wound up with a 3:58 time, even though I had all the right letters for the final word.
The only puzzle I had no idea about. I know almost nothing about France.
I really bombed on this one. I only spelled one of the words right and did a reveal on the puzzle.