4th of July
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Hint: A popular place for people to spend their Independence Day:
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41 seconds. Pretty easy today
2:47 – wow Chris C…you are a speed demon!…good fun puzzle
2:50.Not very fast with these
1:05 Better than usual for me
2:17 That first one took most of the time. Happy 4th everyone. Joke: What do they call the 4th of July in England? Answer: The 4th of July, it’s just a date to them. LOL. To us it’s Independence Day.
58 seconds, no errors – but had some technical difficulties.
My beach had two es instead of an e and c. Could not figure it out
happy fourth of july. God bless America.
:41 best for me! Have a safe & peaceful Independence Day!
2:01, two letter hints
2:34. I sort of got stuck on the 4th word – freedom. That’s ironic; the 4th of July is all about freedom. And the brave armed forces who defend that freedom. GOD BLESS THEM ALL!!
1:28 one letter hint…this was my best so far.
Happy and Safe 4th of July to all
2:18 got stuck on beach. I’m in the middle of Texas a beach never entered my mind. God bless America!
Let Freedom ring! Remember the reason we even have the 4th of July.
0:52 No hints, reveals or errors. You won’t have this guy to kick around, I’m getting better!
0:53 with 1 help. Thank God for the freedoms we have. Have a safe and blessed 4th!
2:07 with 4 hints. Slow, but I made it. Have a safe 4th everyone.
:38 No “challenging” ones in this puzzle.
1:55 ~ May God continue to shower his blessings on us all ~ except libturds ~ hahahahah!
:41 Happy Independence Day
1:35. I type too fast and the letters don’t take and have to go back and erase and start again. This was an easy one. Happy Independence everyone! Pray God we stay that way.
Blessed to be American
1:03 God Bless America!!
My best time ever, 38seconds!
1:55 Thank you Lord, for our freedom!
1:48 keys would not “work” on anthem – had to keep hitting them over and over, but I am okay with my time even so.
37 seconds