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Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Hint: What is it called when the receiving player waves their arm in the air during a punt or kickoff to elect not to return the kick and instead start the next play right where the punt was caught?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
53 seconds, No Hints or Reveals
:43 I had to keep backspacing from typing too lightly.
38 seconds
25 seconds
6:04 It’s been years since I watched football earnestly. Had a hard time with the last phrase.
For the first time I did a whole puzzle reveal because I don’t know football. Good luck to everyone else. Happy Thursday.
:46 Are you ready for some football? I sure am! GO PACK GO!
2:24..Got stumped on backfield..Let’s go Cowboys.
1:30 Took a few seconds to remember Fair Catch.
2:13 I had to reveal “fair catch”. Never heard that term
Glad we are almost done with the football theme this week.
Best time ever, :58 with no hints, no misses.
2:41 but I don’t watch football…. Missed that last one completely!
3:18. Brain dead. I’m an avid football fan and had to use 3 first letter hints. Go figure and Go Bills!
Yep, just another screw-up, it wouldn’t let me answer 2 of them and I was actually doing pretty well.
518 no reveals or fails
59 seconds, no hints no reveals. Pretty sure this was my best time ever, for the word jumbles.
I typed in the final 2 words and it still showed an “I” left. Typed it in again 3 times. Gave up and clicked “check puzzle” and it said “congratulations”. So I was right and the timer just kept going with me typing the answer in 3 times bc it kept showing that the “I” wasn’t used.
40 seconds