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Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Hint: The overall goal of exercising and maintaining good physical fitness is to promote good what?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:43…easy one
1:23 Easy one!
Exercise? It was supposed to be EXTRA FRIES!
If only I could spell!
:45 Got bogged down on strectching
36 seconds – fastest I’ve ever done
Thanks for doing this one right. Letter for answer in all puzzle words.
1:13; one of my better times. It’s also a good reminder that I need to do more exercise!!
:26 amazing seconds. No hints or checks
Completed in 1:23 with no errors, no assists. Had difficulty with stretching, thinking it was some kind of stretch but after entering stretch at the end I realized I’d gotten it wrong and corrected it before tapping check puzzle.
1:01 no reveals
1:50. I had trouble with “cardio”. The smallest word. Go figure.
I got everything correct but it still says I didn’t use the “E” in the answer!
.51 even realizing h missing from puzzle for last word. easy solve none the less
My best time ever…am shocked! 23 seconds.
2:30 with 2 letter hints
0:32 Working in Physical Therapy, I’d better get these easily!
Since when do you have circled letters in the answer. It’s supposed to be the circled letters in the other words that spell the answer, But the 1st “H” in the answer was circled.(?)
took too long. my spelling was way off even though figured out what it was supposed to say! haha
This was difficult for me. Had to get the answer to one of them.
26 seconds
1:40 Boy, am I a blowfish!!! I would have finished sooner, but instead of stretching, I wrote strengthen without making sure the letters were correct. oh, well.
Got stuck on the last word.