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Hint: The method of fishing where a hook is attached to a fishing line which is attached to a fishing rod and reel is known as
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Surprised myself with no mistakes and no hints or reveals at 4:35m
1:18 Fairly easy. Most of the words end in ing.
Maybe if I had spent my childhood fishing in open water I would not have drawn a total blank with this puzzle. And to me, angling means catch and release. Ah, well….
7:03. Only been fishing once or twice in my life. Got a couple of them but the last two were hard for me.
2:36 I fished with a cane pole as a young kid with my grandpa. These words didn’t apply to my experience, but I figured it out.
These puzzles are the most difficult for me to solve. I am slowing building my ability to solve them. I found this puzzle very challenging even though several words ended in “ing.” AMAC please continue providing great puzzles. Enjoyed every minute spent on my efforts in solving this puzzle.
Enjoyed it thoroughly!
I failed this one. I admit I don’t know anything about fishing even though my Dad took me fishing off the rocks when I was very young – age 6 to 8.
I could not get one word w/o help in fact I had to have at least 3 letters I guess I fished different “up North”
2:44 with no assists. One of my better word scrambled, particularly of late. Seemed impossible at first until I realized tgd topic was gushing.
I was stuck for the first minute and a half trying to figure out the puzzle as it relates to the Statue of Liberty!!
I got ‘ANGLING’ right away, but struggled with all the rest. My fishing experiences were limited to ponds, streams, rivers, and oceans, but the education part seldom used the words on the quiz.
Ugh! I got netting and angling. And, I’m not even going to say how many minutes it took me! 😉 I love fishing, but other than angling for fish, and netting the ones I’ve caught, I don’t know anything else about fishing!
Enjoy the puzzles a lot…good for the ol’ brain. Didn’t understand why this week’s were about the Statue of Liberty (1st & last) & the middle ones were about fishing????