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Hint: Most fire departments are ______________ based.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:59 Not too bad.
4:23 Not too good.
3:04 Tough one today. “Ventilation” and “Hook” ? Oh, well. Have a nice day, everyone.
1:02 – no helps
1:17 not bad for me.
43 seconds I have friends and neighbors who are firefighters which was a huge help to me today.
Grateful for those who are fearless and serve us well. Thinking of the NYFD who climbed the Twin Towers exit stairwells, not knowing what was ahead, except it could not be good
So thankful for all Firefighters…Volunteers are a Special Breed, I hold my breath & pray every time the tones drop. My family is on their way to help, I so appreciate their sacrifice & all who serve!
:33 Lucky guess on ventilation. My brother met his wife responding to a call.
2:30 Had a bit of a stall at ‘ventilation’, and the last word only showed 5 letters. Somehow I guessed well.
.45 no misses Yay! I’m usually a lot slower on the word jumbles.
1:56 because I misspelled one of the answers haha
1:10. No mistakes.
One of my typical solves, 2:24 with three letter hints. I solved volunteer after revealing v. Took a couple more letters to solve ventilation.
1:14. No hints. I had the most trouble with “hook”. Go figure. I got the rest immediately.
1:52 w/5 hints…mostly on ventilation.
Seems like there use to be a story about firefighters that was read first, and then the games. Am I missing the stories somewhere?
95 seconds
2:10 with 2 hints on ventilation
2:15 Got stumped on ventilation
You finished the puzzle in 1:23
Hints Used on Letters: 0
Hints Used on Words: 0
Reveal Puzzle Used: No
Incorrect Letters after Check: 0
Incorrect Words after Check: 0
Check Attempts: 1
it said I did lots better than I did – I used two letter reveals which were not recorded — who knew?