Federal Reserve
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Hint: The Federal Reserve issues the nation's what?
Hints Used on Letters:
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Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
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Check Attempts:
1:20 with one letter reveal. Central? Had a hard time with that one until I saw the first letter. Fun puzzle.
1:21 no reveals. Central was tough. 🙂
1:41, no reveals. Good morning fellow conservatives.
:40, no reveals — Former Banker! — still got it! Good morning!
1:23 No reveals
2:30**With 2 hints.
49 seconds. That is my best time over for this type puzzle. I don’t know why–the answers just seemed to come to me.
35 seconds No hints, no reveals, no misses, 1 check when finished. It was almost a gimme.
Good one!
2:23 w/3 letter hints!
was fast until i ran into central…had to get a reveal letter for that one
:26 On the other hand, I am slow on the other puzzles.
1:12 was exceptional, usually I not do well on these!
39 seconds with no reveals. much better than most of the jumbles I try
2:06 I didn’t get Central. Had to use a reveal.
1:09 and no reveals Good for me
Finished in 1:31, probably my best yet. No hints and no reveals. Central was the toughest for me and the last solved. Thanks for all the puzzles and quizzes AMAC.
1:43. Not too bad. I used 3 hints for the 1st letter, then figured it out from that.
:44 Got “central” right away. For whatever reason, had to come back to “treasury” as I didn’t see it’
15 seconds
40 seconds – always best if I have this for last…lol
1:09, but had to use hint on CENTRAL.
The federal Reserve is nothing more than an oligarchy that charges the American people interest for printing their own money. it was created in 1913 and was one of the worst things to ever happen to America. Our currency is not ours. {In the 1970’s the currency was failing and they got off the gold standard and went to the petro-dollar) It is owned by the Central Bank and as you can see today every 50 years the currency fails and they need to start over. We need a decentralized currency (crypto} that doesn’t charge interest for Americans to have money.
:56 seconds and that’s with a touch pad going out. Time to replace my old mac.