Fast Food
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Hint: What popular fast food meal originated in England and is still a very common fast food meal there?
Hints Used on Letters:
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Incorrect Letters after Check:
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0:41. Easy one today.
Yes very easy..
If I said it once I’ve said it a thousand times,If I could only think and type.
2:57 have a good day
1:18 – one of the easier ones lately
36 seconds, a record for me!
1:32 Super easy.
1:41 with one letter hint. One of my better times.
1:41 with one hint.
:46, this was an easy one…without having to undo typos…I would have had ;30!!! 🙁
48 seconds. Very easy.
0:42 VERY easy!
1:12 Easy
4 hints on cheeseburger. 1:45
1:25 Cheeseburger took a while and 2 letter hints. I’m not much of a “fast food” person, unless you include a microwaved baked potato. Lol.
Good one!
I’m ashamed that I knew these answers so quickly.! 🙂
2:14. Got stuck on sandwich for some reason
Easy as pie.
I have not eaten fast food in over 20 years at all but these were pretty obvious. I eat only at home and only organic. 32 seconds.
55 seconds yea, Can’t remember ever eating a cheeseburger. I really like fries and pizza tho.
1:14. One of my better times. I like to eat !
1:11; one my best times for this or any other AMAC puzzle! I thought this quiz was pretty easy!!
0:42… oh dear, I know too much about fast food I think! Ha!
not working today, the cheese question has less boxes than letters
2:11 – this was very easy, but I have to be careful the letters come out on the first try so I do not have to keep hitting the same key over and over – thus the rather slower time. I probably could have finished in less than 40 second. No joke, ha, ha. Happens every time with this kind of puzzle.
I enjoyed the puzzle. I drew a blank on sandwich. Ha. Ha. Ha. Great fun.
My fastest time, 1:01, I know this subject well, as I was a road salesman for over 30 years, before becoming a carpenter. Both jobs are high in fast food. Now my wife has me eating far better.
0:50 Super easy! No misses or hints.
1:45 Good for me. I must love food!
43 seconds!! Seemed too easy…I must be ready to eat.
24 seconds
1:19…would have been a better score if I could keep my fingers on the right keys!!
Pizza was already spelled out for me! LOL.
You finished the puzzle in 2:58
Hints Used on Letters: 0
Hints Used on Words: 0
Reveal Puzzle Used: No
Incorrect Letters after Check: 0
Incorrect Words after Check: 0
Check Attempts: 1
When I was in England, I went to a fish and chips store run by a religious order. Man behind the counter had a brown robe on, so I said “Are you the fish friar?” He said “No. mate, I’m the chip monk.”
retried today and worked fine. 1:34 guess I like snack foods haha
1:02, no hints. I believe this is my best time on the jumbles.
52 seconds. I thought I was going fast. I think most people will beat me.
38 seconds. Shocked myself.