Famous American Landmarks
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Hint: This natural wonder is one of the most iconic and awe-inspiring geological formations in the world, characterized by its immense size and layered bands of red rock, revealing millions of years of geological history.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
I have so much trouble with Word Scramble. I almost always need the first letter revealed in each word, and then it comes to me right away. I’m not even going to tell you my score!
3:15 Couldn’t spell Shenandoah.
struggled at first, to get started. Then did ok.
Again today, done in with spelling.
4:52 It was not that I could not spell Shenandoah. But, I could not descramble it until I shuffled the letters about three times. I personally had the chance to view all of these on a big cross-country trip for the summer.
Stupid system won’t let me type on first word nor will it stop changing letters around
I give up – no patience for faulty system
I wish the cursor would automatically jump to the next box when you type a letter in. Would go a bit faster that way.
3:19 2 letters used
3:27, but 30 seconds went by while I was adjusting my screen. Then, although I knew the correct spelling of SHENANDOAH, my fingers had their own idea and reversed an A and an E. I was admiring my effort without clicking the “check puzzle,” when I noticed it showed 2 letters not used in the final answer, so I had to correct the spelling of it, and that’s always a problem if you try to start in the middle of the word. Still enjoyable, when you know all the answers.
Thanks AMAC – needed to see our country’s great assets on your site
2:08 with lots of hints…
3:20 with one letter hint on Shenandoah. But I’m usually not this fast
3:49 Missed the spelling of Shenandoah
I had to find a map to find out how to spell Shenandoah…
Couldn’t spell Shenandoah at all. Did two letter reveals before getting it. My time was horrible at 3:06.
38 sec !!
1:00 with one letter reveal. The “Y” in Yellowstone got me rolling.
1:20 Found this one easy. Did while eating lunch!
55 ticks. Good choice of awesome sights in America and urban, manmade ones were thankfully omitted.
2:45..4hints trying to spell Shenandoah
2:24 Shenandoah threw me.
1:17 Got lucky witgh spelling.