Fall Foliage
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Hint: People traveling to observe fall foliage in New England is very popular, particularly in this state where it is such an attraction that local authorities publish route guides:
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
4:12 No misses, No hints, no reveals
Peeping???? What the heck is that?
What is peeping???
1:45 w/2 hints on peeping. What does that have to do w/autumn?
1:06 What in the world is “peeping” ????
1:19 Figured the word had to be ‘peeping’, but have no idea why.
1:02 almost cracked the sub-minute!
“Peeping” comes from “leaf peepers” coming to Vermont to see the ……wait for it…….LEAVES !!
First time ever finishing the word jumble with a respectable (?) 3:09
4:01. I got stuck on the 4th word – PEEPING – and had to ask for a hint (I think I spent a couple minutes trying to figure that word). I scrolled down and noticed that it was a New England phrase (leaf peepers). I’m from Northern Michigan and have never heard that phrase (I guess a poor excuse is better than none!!).
I lived in New England most of my life and I have no idea what “PEEPING” has to do with fall foliage. Who comes up with this drivel???
1:27. I get fall “coloring” but peeping?!
leaf peeping is a term used for looking at fall colors
1:05 – one of the easiest ever for me…but I am not sure what peeping has to do with fall
PEEPING? Only tourist bureaus use that term. It’s childish and stupid.
Peeping? Really? I figured all of them in 2 minutes but I wasn’t sure of that one.
Peeping??? What does that have to do with fall foliage?
Thank you, what a beautiful time of year!
we learn something new everyday!
PEEPING was not even used to provide any letters for the answer. (And it’s not clear what that has to do with fall colors anyway.) It could have been used to provide the E. But evidently the creators of the Jumble puzzle don’t understand how it’s supposed to work.
4:51 Learned about ‘peeping’ from you folks. Thanks.
3;16 not bad except for the last one one PEEPING, which it doesn’t make sense.
2:05. Had to use 2 reveal letters for “peeping” and where does that fit in to the category? ?
1:05… Peeping was a word I wasn’t familiar with, but still no reveals used
2:14 for me and yes PEEPING could throw a lot of people off
2:06 No hints. Pretty fast for me!
Peeping????? Never would have guessed that. Did terribly because of it.
peeping threw me off too…
I know most people questioned peeping, but “coloring” is the one I needed to get a clue on (or maybe hint is more appropriate). Ha ha!
I’m not sure when it started, but the term “leaf peeping” has been around for awhile up here in New England. (I’m from RI.) I suspect it was something that marketers such as visitors’ bureaus came up with… or the news media, who are always trying to come up with some “clever” and “catchy” way to say something.
Just as an example, I live in Washington County, but it has come to be commonly known as “South County,” as it is the southernmost county in the state. It’s so bad that the State prints “South County” on State produced maps of RI instead of the real name! Younger people who grow up in this county don’t even know the real name, even though it has never been officially changed, and the State abets this mis-apellation. Anyway, that’s my rant for today.
You finished the puzzle in 1:02
1:01, no clues. I play all the other games before doing the Word Jumble in order to see potential words for the jumble. In the Trivia Quiz, “leaf peeping” was mentioned and I was able to recall that quickly enough after reasoning that the word must end in “ing” and that left 2 e’s and 2 p’s. If I had remembered it more quickly, I would have been done in less than a minute. They should have used the n from “peeping” instead of the one in “autumn,” but the solution word was a gimme anyway, imho.
55 seconds…Where does “peeping” come from? I’m from WV and haven’t heard that.
It’s never too late to learn. In my almost 80 years and travels through most of the U.S. I had not heard of enjoying the changing colors of leaves called ‘peeping’. I was intrigued enough to search. After going through half a dozen sources I found a reference to ‘peeping’ that referred to changing colors of leaves. I hazard a guess that the term may have developed in the New England states where I have spent little time and, with the exception of New York, not in Autumn.
0:50! Wow, usually I’m cr@p at this, not sure what happened 😉
28 seconds
You finished the puzzle in 1:49 I labored over PEEPING. Never would have associated that with autumn and still don’t get it.