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Hint: What is the largest metropolis in the European Union?
Hints Used on Letters:
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Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
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Only 55 seconds?! That was fast. But now the fun is over too soon. Lol.
I look forward to playing the games. The news has been so depressing and the state of our country. I feel totally helpless in doing anything to change all that is happening. I enjoy the games as they give me some enjoyment. I also am praying more and more.
35 seconds
1:43 no reveals or clues, pretty good for the turtle team
:41 — I thought I would bomb on Europe!
36 seconds – not bad for a Thursday morning.
1:25***Pretty good for me.
:48 …. A personal best. I’m usually very bad at the word scrambles. I’m with Lois that these puzzles are a good break from the news in our declining nation. I’m praying!
55 seconds – my personal fastest! I think that this week’s puzzle was easy because it was just a list of European countries which I already knew!!
0:57 – my best time ever on one of these!
0:20 My fastest time yet.
1:34 w/1 hint. Had trouble spelling Ukraine!
2:19 typing time. I knew all of these right away. Now you know why I’m a slowpoke. Easy one.
:48…a new record for me. Helped once I realized they were all countries except Paris
I always thought Ukraine was in Asia until I looked at the map just now. It really straddles the line. I never understood why Europe and Asia are considered two separate continents anyway. it’s only cultural, there is no physical separation.
2:03 a personal record. I must be dreaming !
Seemed pretty easy!
1:22 would have been a lot better if my keys would connect and I didn’t have to keep hitting the same letters over and over again, This is maddening Anyway one of the easiest puzzles for me.
1:33 Had to think a bit on Ukraine.
1:06 Very good for me
:57, y best time ever I believe. The words just seemed so obvious at first glance. No hints, no misses. I enjoyed this as usual.
1:43. Pretty good for me.
56 seconds.
22 seconds
37 seconds – yes, my best ever, but it was just the names of countries. I’m pretty sure Paris was the only option no matter what the question was…lol
It’s the weekend folks. Get out and enjoy this beautiful weather while we can.
You finished the puzzle in 1:04
Hints Used on Letters: 0
Hints Used on Words: 0
Reveal Puzzle Used: No
Incorrect Letters after Check: 0
Incorrect Words after Check: 0
Check Attempts: 1
:50 while granddaughter on lap
0:56…wow, thank you for an easy one.
2:08 with 1 letter hint. I solved the question and that helped me solve the scrambled words. Had to get a 1st letter hint to unscramble Ukraine. Told you I was bad at this…
one of my better times
oops .47 was my time
1:10 Would have been faster, but I also got hung up on Ukraine (but I didn’t use any helps). I should have known better. One of the ladies in our church is from Ukraine. She just became a US citizen a month ago.
I suppose a score of 1:54 isn’t too bad. But Ukraine was my downfall. Couldn’t figure that one without a hint.