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Hint: In many Easter baskets, a bunny created from this popular confection can be found.
Hints Used on Letters:
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Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
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0:56 no misses!
1:08. He is RISEN!
And this puzzle is the perfect illustration of what is destroying America, and you are missing it. You give us a list of candy and decorations and what a bunny does for EASTER, you know, Resurrection Sunday. We are supposedly celebrating our Lord’s victory over sin, death and hell, and you give us jellybeans. If computers were available in the late 18th Century do you think such an Easter puzzle would have been about such fluff? Not a chance. Our focus is all whacked out, and AMAC just proved it. You’re a great organization, but you are missing the boat big time, just like every politician.
1:03 no misses, Jesus is Risen! Jesus is Alive!! Thank you Jesus for what you have done for me!!!
41 seconds
.51…I did this without help.You guys enjoy the rest of your day and have a blessed evening.
1:09 Fun, yet not one word abour Jesus. Sad. Happy Thursday, everyone and Happy Easter.
43 seconds. Very secular puzzle.
1:03 with two letter hints on “decorate”. Happy Easter !
54 seconds
46 seconds! Have never, ever had a score below 2:00 mins on the jumble game. (My least favorite). Well, enjoy tomorrow’s quiz, the weekend, and Easter as I will refrain from playing games tomorrow-Good Friday. Happy, blessed and joyous Easter everyone!! Alleluia!
Yesterday my time was 1:35 with some hints. Couldn’t put in the comment…it was like every Tuesday for me!!
Too funny, the third word was already spelled out for me. Then again, there aren’t that many combinations for a three letter word. LOL!!
Got #1,3,4,& 5 in under a minute and a half, but couldn’t get #2 until I revealed first letter. Then it jumped right out at me, but my final time was 5:16.
0:52 Not a typical time for me with the jumble. They just “jumped out” at me. Happy easter everyone!!
1:08 – I always save this one for last and find it much easier that way.