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Hint: What famous musician lived in Delaware between 1965 and 1977? Bob __________
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
2:17 one of my better, used 2 hints. Needed the second one for Marley, because not all the letters showed on the top.
3:08 The weirdest thing…right after the “Wilmington” answer, the puzzle took me to the final question. When I answered it, the answer was correct, but I was missing one of the previous answers. Went back and looked, and sure enough, I did not solve the “Atlantic” jumble (because it wasn’t there). Anyway, I enjoy these puzzles.
1:05 easier than usual for me
1:32. This was easy for me because my father’s family is from Delaware. My grandparents had a farm near Wilmington. My dad’s brothers and sisters also lived in Delaware or near there.
1:19… needed 1 letter reveal for Atlantic…. I learned something new today. Bob Marley is from Delaware.?
1:08 this was a record for me on these word puzzles and no hints!
57 seconds with no hints. I amazed myself. 🙂
1:52 good time for me on these puzzles
2:24 no helps.
57 seconds! A new record for me!
2:02 no help
2;19 I cheated, I read the replies and found two answers I was missing, but I figured out the other one myself. It’s all in fun anyway.
I can never play the jumble games because I can’t type in the letters it won’t let me.
1 minute flat. Best time ever.
:54 with no help. Record for me
“erlymc” How am I supposed to get Marley out of this?
1:03. Pretty easy. I don’t think I’m getting better, just lucky this one was easy.
47 seconds – a record for me!
Wow, :50. Am usually much slower than anyone else, but this one surprised me. Love the puzzles AMAC puts in each of their newsletters.
41 seconds. Whoo-hoo!