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Hint: A style of wooden wall siding characterized by long planks, normally painted white, that are mounted horizontally with a slight gap between.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
I got them all,but the last one was really hard for me. I’ve never heard that word before.Had to have some reveals on it .
49 seconds. The only reason I knew the last one was from watching Chip and Joanna Gaines.
Couldn’t get the last one either
I’m 83 years old and have never heard “shiplap”.
Never heard of the last one….
1:29 Shiplap? Siding is siding.
was at :35 seconds, but never heard of shiplap – ended up using reveal word – oh well, have a great day
1:50 Shiplap was easy for me — I watch HGTV … I got stuck on PILLAR
1:18. Shiplap is all the rage. Need to watch JoAnna and Chip Gaines. 🙂
0:44 Would never have gotten ship lap had my wife not just had it installed. Jack rabbit fast today.
25 seconds. Have watched home building shows. 🙂
My wife watches those stupid home remodeling shows. She thinks that the only tools needed for any home project are a chain saw and sledge hammer and that a total rebuild of a 6000 square foot house only takes 30 minutes.
5:03 What in the world is shiplap? I have never heard of it. I had to take 3 letter hints to even guess at a right answer. Good puzzle, though!
45 seconds; this was an easy one
2:16 w/6 helps. Toughest word for me was plywood.
1:28 i feel horrible. i am a construction pm and struggled with freakin hammer. LOL Defeated 🙁
48 seconds thanks to a LOT of remodeling projects.
2:51 just takes time on the phone!
brought back good memories!
Got the first three right off. Had trouble with pillar (used 3 letter hints) and I have never heard of shiplap (used 7 letter hints). So, I bombed at this one. 3:43
Excuse me — but who needs Chip and Joanna Gaines? My Boyfriend and I are working our way through Home Improvement with Tim Allen. I am learning all I need to know about “construction” from Tim and his able sidekick, Al Borland.
I highly recommend Home Improvement if you love to laugh. Laughter is good medicine.
2:12 – with two first letter hints
2:55(:./) Got stuck on “gutters”.
I finished this in 1:25. That is an all time record for me. I am notoriously slow and poor at doing scrambled letters. I must know more about construction than I think I know. All those DIY shows!
Lapship, no. Shiplap yes, once the fog cleared.
Never heard of Shiplap
1:38 not too bad for me
4:13 12 hints. Who the heck ever heard of “shiplap?”
2:40 never heard shiplap. Reveal the whole word