Coffee Shop
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Hint: What is the small unsweetened or lightly sweetened biscuit-like cake commonly sold in coffee shops called?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
3:30 not too bad….
I could see the last answer in my head but forgot what it was called and then spelled the first word wrong. 2:56 isn’t bad with all of that and a couple of hints.
Just over 3 minutes, lots of letter reveals and 2 tries, but I finally got it right. Not bad, I guess, for a non-coffee drinker. I messed up on some of the spellings and I’m usually a good speller, must be foreign words from another language.
my worst puzzle! Over 10 minutes! I’m a huge coffee fan but my spelling is just terrible! But love these puzzles!
4:20 with some letter hints 🙁
6:03. I think my focus was somewhere else today – undoubtedly on the outcome of the presidential election!
8:33 Roasting was hard for me
If only I could spell.
Needed a reveal on espresso. Guess you have to be a regular caffeine drinker to spell some of these words.
2:01, my best at this type puzzle.
5:15 and that was with 2 letter hints and 1 word hint — I couldn’t spell cappuccino correctly. (Maybe because the word jumble letters did not include the extra c and instead provided an extra a.) My bad – I should know how to spell it correctly.
6:24…. had to have 3 hints. In my defense, I am not a coffee drinker. I’m a tea lover.
2:32 with 4 letter reveals pretty good
4:03 But I got them!
On the last word, I originally had the letters SCIO and there were 5 open squares so it did not work. I gave up and clicked on give me the answer and then CENSO came up for Scone. This is the second puzzle to have a significant glitch the other being the computer sceen on the find the difference puzzle. These puzzles are suppose to be enjoyable, but this week they aren’t.
2:40. Misspelled cappuccino and totally blew scone on the first try, thought it was nesco but can’t say why. Maybe because I’m not a coffee drinker and certainky dob’t frequent coffee shops.
I see I am not the only one who had trouble with the spelling. I didn’t get roasting either.
1:33 with no hints or reveals. This may be my all-time best performance in this game
You gave us the wrong letters for scone. You left out an e gave us an i.
1:29. My best, pretty easy actually
2:07….three hints. Had to retry spelling cappuccino twice!
2:29 no hints
Espresso took awhile
6:05. I had trouble with espresso. Did 2 letter reveal on that one and finally got it.. I’m not a coffee drinker either, so I guess I did OK.
1:03. Had to be careful with spelling.