Coffee & Tea
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Hint: This Style of coffee is made by forcing boiling water through grounded coffee beans, using pressure to extract the flavor from the coffee and into the water.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
31 seconds
49 seconds. Had to correct the spelling of “oloong”. Lol. Fun puzzle week. I think coffee and tea history is tomorrow to finish out the week. Should be interesting.
40 seconds Have a great day and stay safe out there.
1:25 – no help. Have to go slow so the puzzle does not jump up and down. KLove my coffee!!!
Coffee ppl are the messiest ppl on the planet. Don’t believe me, just open your eyes, where ever Coffee is served. Coffee,sugar and creamer spilled,open packets thrown about,used straws laying around,half drank cups sitting around cold. They are worse than smokers. No apologies!
:52 exactly my cup of… well, tea!
33 seconds!
3:31. I had a lot of trouble with the 3rd word – PRESSED – and finally had to ask for a couple of hints. The other words were very easy.
The first word fooled me. The letters were arranged as “peets.” I just purchased coffee at Peets a few days ago. Great puzzle. Great fun!
1:19 This is a topic dear to my heart. However, I never heard of ‘Oolong’. Anyone know what that is?
36 seconds
3:11. I’m not a coffee drinker, so I’m glad I got a few without any hints.
2:27. Got hung up on the third word for awhile, but finally got it without a reveal. Otherwise, I may have been under a minute. But then again, maybe not.
1:10 w/3 letter hints. I love tea…not coffee
Finally took this quiz today (Friday) and had multiple errors due to typos and inability to remember oolon, first trying to spell it Goolong. Still fun to try. 3:27 with 19 incorrect letters and four misspellings after four attempts. Congratulations to all who performed much better.
28 seconds, no hints of reveals, and 2 coughing fits (probably added 5 seconds).
:36 Best yet
1:49 Got stumped by Pressed
705 no reveals, not bad for me.
2:25,im suprised because i dont know alot about coffee
1:02 – I do love my coffee.