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Hint: What type of coffee drink is made with espresso and steamed milk?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
2:06…No reveals
3:36. I got stuck on the 4th word – STIMULATING – and had to ask for a reveal.
0:50 the hare has replaced the turtle!
2:14 Not bad for a non-coffee drinker. I needed lots of hints! Lol. Stimulating needed lots of hints and with caffeine I kept mixing up the “ie-ei” letters. “I” before “E” except after “C” doesn’t apply here, apparently.
4:38 Had to get a hint on stimulating.
2:13 Not a coffee drinker either. No hints, but had to shuffle the letters to see “stimulating”.
Could not figure out stimulating and my spelling , ACK. God bless our Veterans.
2 minutes w/4 hints. Not a coffee drinker either. My caffeine comes from chocolate!!
1:44 Love my coffee!
3:26 with 2 hints 🙁
36 seconds on second try as the first one had an “I” in latte in, and it would not accept my “E” Time for a coffee break. I LOVE ALL THE VETERANS and am so very thankful for your service.
27 seconds. Makes up for my slow times on the other puzzles.
Puzzle gave me the wrong letters.
1:45 – not bad
2:02 with 1 hint. Love my morning coffee!
This was a super good puzzle, Love my coffee! Thank you.
Finished in 1:02 on my second try due to mistyping stimulating. First go round I almost didn’t unscramble breakfast and couldn’t figure out latte due to the letters provided which, as I remember included a g.
2:14 with one hint reveal letter.
49 seconds no reveals
2:23. I dont drink coffee, so thought I did pretty good. Used the whole word to solve ‘stimulating”. I was never going to get that word.
1:57. I’ve never been a coffee dinner, so I’ll take it. Stimulating…really?
3:26 What do I know about coffee? Smells good but tastes so bitter.
#4 really threw me, as sex is only 3 letters.
Latte is with an E not an I.
1:28…stimulating? Maybe if I was a coffee drinker I’d have gotten that one sooner.
Never got stimulating?? Roasted, Pressed, Steamed, Colombian, There are a hundred words that are more coffee than stimulating.
2:59 — got e and I backwards in Caffeine.
Great puzzle. Could not get the word”stimulating.” Ha. Ha. Ha. My fault for not thinking outside of the box. Thanks AMAC!
coffee lover here… 1:59 always mix up on spelling expresso vs espresso 🙂
1:19 was stuck on STIMULATING until I saw the ING
Love word games.