Christmas Fun
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Hint: During Christmas time people gather and go house to house singing these.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
It’s great that the solution word gives me hints as to letters in other words. Helps a lot. Really enjoy these puzzles.
I kept looking for HUMBUG and COAL. But I forgot there is a WAR ON COAL.
Couldn’t understand how PASTRIE had to do with Christmas Fun, then saw it was supposed to be PARTIES! OOPS!
1:51….got stuck on parties
After the article on how Biden leaves Jesus out of his Christmas speech, I would have thought that AMAC would include a reference to Our Lord in this puzzle.
2:28 – distractions but got them with no help
Merry Christmas- IMO, we don’t need AMAC to bring our Saviour’s birth into our celebrations; when we share a hearty ‘Merry Christmas’ our reference may have a personal, Scripture inspired meaning. Joyfully, we express our gratitude for this ‘holiday of lights’ during the deep, dark winter.
3:12 It took me awhile to get “parties”. I kept seeing “pirates”. Lol. I thought, porch pirate stealing gifts? “Pastries” also uses these same exact letters. Word jumbles is my favorite AMAC puzzle.
It seems the first word usually evades me. Easily answered all the others but had to use three letter reveals and had to correct spelling error before finally getting parties which never crossed my mind ‘til the third letter hint. Even though I knew in my own mind it didn’t feel right I tried pastrie which I know is spelled pastry (singular) or pastries ( plural). Time was 3:41.
2:44 – i missed shopping, ha, ha. Maybe because I didn’t do much of it this year.
I got hung up on Parties too, but finished better than usual at 1:34
Dito Judy, but I finished at 2:50
1:22 No hints or misses. Merry Christmas everyone!!
1:15 Merry Christmas to all the pastrie pirates!
48 seconds. Good one today. Merry Christmas to all!
Those omega-3 supplements must have kicked in; the words just jumped out at me. I hope you and your family and friends all have a blessed holiday. Merry Christmas, all.
26 seconds this round vs this morning when I struggled with parties.
The subject is Christmas fun. Why is shopping in there? NOT fun.
It helps to check the comments first. There’s usually some answers. Not cheating, just getting a head start..LOL
2:13. Used 4 letter hints for “parties” and 3 letter hints for “chestnuts”. The words just didn’t come to me. Merry Christmas to you all.
This was hard for me.1:50 w/10 word hints.
Very secular list of words, unfortunate as Jesus is the reason.
I guess parties relate more to Christmas than pirates.