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Hint: Some carnivals feature compact versions of roller ________ to attract teenagers and preteens. These rides feature steep drops, sharp curves, and sometimes loops.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
3;04***4 hints, still aren’t too bad for me..
2:43. I got stuck on the third word – TRAVELLING (or should it be TRAVELING?).The other words came to me easily.
2:22 with 5 hints. Much better than yesterday.
1:19 but mis-spelled carousel
2:11 so annoying to finish the puzzle, it’s all correct, then instead of showing you finished it correctly, they make you CHECK IT when you weren’t ‘checking’ at all, just trying to say you’ve finished?!
and when did traveling begin to be spelled “LL”?? there’ve been a lot of dictionary changes in recent years, but had not heard of that one?
2:41 I had trouble with “Traveling”. They spelled it wrong. Who makes these puzzles? There’s so many errors in them that are so easy to correct.
6:33 – bummer – could not get carousel until i got a hint, actually 2 hints…bummer, brain fog today!
and who spells traveling with two ll’s?
Per Merriam-Webster, traveling is preferred in the US but travelling is preferred elsewhere.
2:15 Not too difficult.
1:44 with a hint for traveling …. travelling ???
4:21 I, too, did not get traveling right away because of the 2 ‘L’s’ . Thanks to Mary Annie I now know why. I’m slowpoke – I don’t hurry.
:43 Took me a while to get travelling.
2:39 Bad on this one. I had trouble with ‘travelling’ of all things!
Would never have gotten “travelling” without hints. Also spellcheck says only 1 L in traveling.
Nice to know others had problems with “travelling.”
3:05 with four hints. I guess I was about the only one that didn’t have trouble with “travelling”. But I personnaly would not spell it with 2 “L”s though.
I spelled carousel wrong….
Well, I never spelled traveling with two l’s – would have had a fantastic time but for that,
– would have had a fantastic time without that.
It’s really bad when the letters make up words that are misspelled! Traveling spelled correctly has ONE L.
Probably my worst yet, 3:18 with 10 letter reveals. I got only the last word with no hints. Actually “roller” before the missing word was a hint to this one.
way too hard this time and spelling errors to boot!
Had to reveal the puzzle, couldn’t spell carousel & traveling screwed me up too with their misspell of the word. Time is still ticking on it & won’t stop!
Since when is “traveling” spelled with 2 “L”s. Got the others easy enough.
When the accent is on the first syllable of a 2-syllable word, you do NOT double the final consonant when adding a suffix. For instance the word ‘cancel’….when adding ‘ed’ you do NOT double the ‘L’…it is spelled ‘canceled’….can you tell this is a pet peeve of mine?
Amac better replace the person who makes up these word puzzles with someone who can spell. In my 86 years, I have never thought of spelling traveling with two Ls.
You finished the puzzle in 3:25 with 4 letter hints
32 seconds.