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Hint: A well-known Canadian fast-food restaurant chain that specializes in coffee, donuts, and a variety of other food and beverage items.
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Incorrect Letters after Check:
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3:47 16 hints. You can’t go 2 blocks without stumbling over 3 Tim Horton’s. He was a hockey player, they told me. When we crossed in ’87 the border guard lady asked, “You’re from Texas! How many guns do you have?” I couldn’t ruin her image of Texans, so I replied, “Three: pistol, rifle and shotgun. You want to see the pistol?” as I reached under the seat. The expression on her face was priceless. “Go inside, spend lots of money, and DON’T GET OUT ANY GUNS!” “Thank ye, maham.” One problem was the speed limit was 50, and I was afraid I was going to end up in the river, slowed down to 30, and realized that it was the metric system. There are two kinds of countries in the world. Those that use the metric system, and those that have put men on the MOON!
never heard of Tim Hortons….hahahaha
Never heard of poutine or Tim Hortons, so used several letter helps.
2:01 with one hint…. now, pass the doughnuts over.
LOL… what is a poutine… and who the heck is Tim Horton? LOL….
Tim Horton’s is the Starbucks of Canada. I wasn’t any more impressed with “Tim’s” than I am with Starbucks, except that their donuts were better.
519 9 letters used
1:30. Should have had a better time, but anyway…
Our daughter and her family spent a year in Quebec learning French, prior to going to a French speaking African nation as missionaries. We visited them in Qubec for a week, and they all raved about the poutine, but I wasn’t particularly impressed with it. Also, can’t miss Tim Horton’s anywhere in Canada, so I’m told, but is was very present in Quebec, at least. BTW, I misspelled poutine, and, believe it or not, beaver never came to mind, so I revealed it for a time of 3:35. We have beavers in Wisconsin, and plenty of other US locations so why is it a big deal in Canada?
4:49 with11 letter reveals. Hockey was easy and Mounties pretty easy but even beaver to three letter reveals. I then misspelled poutine and didn’t know Tim Horton’s at all. Obviously I know almost nothing about Canada except it’s cold. I’m Southern born and bred.
I finally finished with 4 letter hints. Thankful for some of the words I learned throughout the week.Hope you guys are having a blessed day.
I never heard of the word POUTINE. What (or who) is it? I must have spent 3 or 4 minutes trying to figure it out – I finally gave up and needed a hint for that word. I’m embarrassed by my score.
3:07 Love poutine.
Should have gotten Poutine!! love it!!