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Hint: The best part about getting away from the congested city is the plethora of ______ ____.
Hints Used on Letters:
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Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
2;42 three letter hints. One of my best plays and my idea
of camping is a motel
The final words had me stumped. Took three letter hints. DOH!
4:05. Had to get a letter hint before getting tranquility.
where’s the “h”!
4:45 16 hints. Camping out, for my family, means a motel with only 50 channels on the TV. “Fresh air and sunshine” is code for stepping out for a cigarette in the daytime. Substitute “moonshine” for night. Is it MONDAY YET.
No “S” or “H” in circles?
0:50 and no hints…
2:26 For some reason I was stumped on the 4th word, and I grew up in the northern part of the lower penninsula of Michigan!!! You walk out your door and trip all over that word!
3:29 with five letter reveals (two for tranquility, one for fishing, and two for fresh air). Just couldn’t get my mind set right at first to unscramble them but so obvious once I used the letter reveals.
4:31. I needed a hint for the first letter of TRANQUILITY.
1:49 Fresh air got me, took two hints.
1:49 with 2 helps. Its another rainy day in Georgia, which reminds me of the Brook Benton song. Pardon me for the sweet memory of some really good times.
Stay safe out there and know that someone loves you dearly and deeply.
2:00 2 hints
1:07..1 hint..I too got stumped on the last one. As the weekend is getting closer I hope you guys have a blessed day
It takes me at least 0:50 seconds just to put the letters in. Since you have press on each box and do 1 letter at a time.
“Tranquility”?? Yeah, that’s what I always tell my friends and family. “Going camping for a little ‘tranquility’! Have an awesome day!
Thought the word was “wildfire” but, alas, it was “wildlife.” 1:36.
I was at 1:29 when I thought I was finished, but it said I had 1 word wrong. Since I was sure I had them all correct, I scrolled down 1 word at a time until I got to the last one and found that for some reason the A didn’t show up. I hurridly typed it in but then it said I was still wrong. I went back and discovered the A was in the wrong space, so I quickly corrected it, but my final time was 2:23.
It only took me 26 minutes. Duh. I could have gone for a walk and looked at the wildlife myself! We had some wildlife the other day. I live in an addition, and there is a creek at the back of our property. Sitting out on the patio, we hard a horrible screaming and squalling, and a black cat came flying out of the trees, grass and weeds, with a big old raccoon chasing right behind it. When the coon found that the cat wasn’t coming back, he slowly turned around, and with the grace of a winning prizefighter, picked his way through the weeds and disappeared into the overgrowth. I guess he is the protector of our property now. A friend’s daughter has an automatic light in her backyard, along with an automatic camera, and she discovered 8 raccoons strolling through her backyard. They may be cute, but I wouldn’t want to meet up with one. They can be vicious creatures. Those sharp teeth aren’t there for no reason!
How do you get the first word to take wildfire
408 and 4 letters
Tranquility was the tough one!
I look forward every Saturday for the polls and the games. I learn from the games and I love someone wants my opinion.
53 seconds. Fairly easy for me this morning.
1:04. Tranquility got me.
With tranquility, I started with QUI and couldn’t get anywhere so I used a hint and realized it wasn’t a Q word! Have a great wknd.
5:50. Only one word jumped out for me, the rest not so much with 6 letter hints and a horrible time.
2:40 w/lots of hints especially fishing.
:49 . . . love camping!
4:32 Two hints.
2:34 Yay for me!