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Hint: Affectionately known as the "River City" this state capital developed the first volunteer fire department in the western United States.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
4:53 – I need more coffee!
4:45 Took a while for vinyards.
3:06 with three letter hints (first letter only) for desert, mountains, vineyards (should include an e) and two misspelled words, mountains and Sacramento.
should be vinEyards?
1:46. got stumped with desserts until I realized it was deserts. Duuuh
1:27… Used 1 letter reveal for the first word. Duh! Such an obvious word!!
Got stumped on vinyards.
1:28 got stuck on VINEYARDS! no e ???
Vineyard should have an “e”!
I had to use a reveal word after 3 letters for Vineyards!!
1:54 I couldn’t spell Sacramento correctly.
i don’t get it. i am terrible at these things – always have to use more letter reveals than i should. however, i kick butt playing Scrabble. makes no sense to me
2:36 Vineyards was the hardest. (I remembered the Keanu Reeves movie, “A Walk in the Clouds “) The rest were fairly easy. Happy Thursday, everyone. Weekend’s almost here.
1:33 my best ever!
2:55. “Vinyards” got me. Used 4 hints.
Hire someone who can spell
1:40 w/ one letter hint
1:24 No hints. Everything just fell in place for me today. Usually I am among the slowest if not THE slowest that posts their time.
2:16 vinyards was the hardest.
After reading some of the comments, for once my inability to spell actually helped me out; had no clue about the correct spelling of vineyards so I breezed right through that one.
1:05. Vineyards was missing an “e”, but I got through it anyway.
42 seconds. Either too easy this morning, or I’ve had just the right amount of coffee..
3:46; 2 hints. I got stuck on the word ‘VINEYARDS’. I needed to ask for 2 hints. Have a great weekend everyone!!
Sacramental got me.
44 seconds. The wife and I spent lots of time in Napa and around Lake Berryessa (never saw the Zodiac Killer). Not a bad place 50 years ago, but now? (smh)
39 seconds – my new record! woopie