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Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Hint: The 41 professional theaters, each with 500 or more seats, that are located in the neighborhood in midtown Manhattan known as the "Theater...
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:21, which I believe is my fastest on these. My results say I had 1 check attempt, but if you don’t check that when you’re done, the timer won’t stop. What’s up with that?
41 seconds. Fastest for me, too
1:19 I needed several letter hints as I know nothing about Broadway.
1:47 needed 2 letter hints
49 seconds, best ever for me!
37 seconds. All time best
Theater can also be spelled theatre!
1:14 with 2 letter hints. That’s good for me!!
39 seconds! My best time ever.
1:07. Incredible for me. I have to quit doing these now, since I’ll never beat that. It usually takes me 5 minutes on these. I thought I’d not do well since I’m from Mississippi, and know nothing about music or New york. Wonders never cease.
Very misleading on the last word. Showed an ‘E’ in scrambled letters on district.
nice time.1:25
50 sec. Pretty easy for once.
3:07 with two letter reveals. Good for me…not so good compared with other players
2 13 Didn’t think I had a chance at this.Guess I know more than I thought.
finished in 1:23. Fun!
This is my least favorite puzzle, but today was my best so far. 1:07 with no misses. Must be exceedingly easy.
Easy one! 1:10 with no misses or hints
Weird that the “answer” contains one of the puzzle letters and the fourth puzzle word has none.
2:00..Better than what I thought I would do.
0:50 only because I’m a 1 finger typer
1:02 ,,easy one for me.
47 seconds
43 seconds. :):)
2:08 which this is the best for me as I had never done better than this.
2:14. Not bad for me.
1:02 Wow for me. Feel like we just did this one recently. I knew all the words right away. Hmmm.
43 seconds – I think this is my best time on the jumble.
1:46 Needed letter to get Musical.
WOW… 42 seconds!! My best time EVER!
1:47 – have to go slow on these or else the letter doesn’t come up on the first try. Keep asking about this but nothing changes. Still enjoy.
I’m a day late due to busy day yesterday. Finished in 1:19 but did use a letter reveal (first letter) for musical. All others were a piece of cake.
1:37 pretty easy for me
30 seconds, no misses or hints, every word easily done. My best ever or the easiest jumble ever.
23 seconds
49 seconds, one of my fastest. 🙂 and I’ve never been to Broadway, just watched a lot of old movies. haha
You finished the puzzle in 1:15
Hints Used on Letters: 0
Hints Used on Words: 0
Reveal Puzzle Used: No
Incorrect Letters after Check: 0
Incorrect Words after Check: 0
Check Attempts: 1
1:10. Had to use two letter reveals for Manhattan….never would have gotten it otherwise.
Interesting. For the first time I’m doing the puzzles on my phone instead of my laptop. I found that I have to tap each space before entering each letter – a time consumer.
52 seconds – my best on the Jumbles!
For playing on a cell phone, the cursor should advance to the next field automatically