Baseball – The Summer Game
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Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Hint: The straight line between two adjacent bases is known as what?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:26**Better than I was.Still not very good.
:56, good day for me, but I love baseball so this was an easy one for me today.
1:32 – not bad
2:01 w/3 word hints.
48 seconds, my best ever. It helps to be a big baseball fan!! Have a great day
33 seconds. I guess I know my baseball.
45 seconds! I guess all the time in the stands for my travel baseball grandson paid off!
If I only knew how to spell umpire ????
1:14 that’s very good for me, baseball was my favorite sport.
:18 I saw them all right off the bat.
1:26 Had a little trouble with ‘manager’
57 seconds. A fast time for me on a word jumble puzzle.
1 minute flat ~ take me out to a ball game!
1:09!! I have never done one of these word jumbos so fast with no misses!!! Guess I know more about baseball than I thought I did!
1:48. One of my fastest times for this type of puzzle.
Woohoo! 1 minute flat! I think it’s my personal best.
Good one!
53 seconds and I dislike and ignore all sports – so it was obviously easy.
43 seconds on third try. The letters would not come up when I typed them. Ugly.
1:28…as fast as I could type.
1:08 the turtle has left the building. I love baseball!
1:24 with no errors or hints. Umpires initially evaded me plus I had to correct my spelling on baseline, costing me a few extra seconds. Still enjoyable.
:52 seconds, no errors. No hints. Raised in baseball
1:48 – very good time for me on this subject
26 seconds
29 seconds…no runs, no hits, no errors, nobody left on base.