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Hint: Along with burgers, hot dogs, sausages and steaks - this is one of the most popular items to barbecue:
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
LOL. good one AMAC! My brain was not thinking BBQs the same as your tech specialists today! By the time I got to the freebie, I was off my game. Scrambled spelling is one I’ve got to work on…anyone else?
1:15 with 3 hints…2 on the first word.
I agree, me too.
It took me 2:39, I was stuck on Propane and it took 3 letter reveals before it finally clicked.
2:19 It took me awhile but I didn’t use any hints or reveals. Fun activity.
1:03 no hints. Easy for me this time.
:41. No reveals. My best time with this!
1:38 no hints or reveals. I got lucky this time, my best ever.
4:45 – Needed help with this one since I don’t grill out.
I didn’t get propane. Spent too much time trying to get it. 3:20.
0:45 eat your hearts out
1:13 no reveals. Fun puzzle
That was fun & made me hungry, Thanks for another good puzzle
2:40, 1 hint. This is, indeed, the grilling season.
1:52 – I’m not too fast with these.
I made it in 49 seconds with a letter reveal. By the time I finished, I had worked up an appetite!
Finished in about 1:30 or less but clock continues to run. Got stuck for awhile on propane.
2:48 Jumbles are NOT my forte. Still good exercise for the brain.:-)
:32 I’m a big fan of Boggle and Perquackey.
2:11 I, too, got stuck on propane. Took 2 letter reveals to get it.
2:29. Stuck on propane also. Used 3 reveals for it.
38 seconds – makes me feel better about the other puzzles…lol
1:09…had to use a reveal. Do not use propane for grilling so had to have help there.
You finished the puzzle in 2:22
Hints Used on Letters: 0
Hints Used on Words: 0
Reveal Puzzle Used: No
Incorrect Letters after Check: 0
Incorrect Words after Check: 0
Check Attempts: 1
Had fun with this puzzle. Time to head outdoors and fire up the grill !!
47 seconds……and we never use propane except to flame off prickly pear for the cows.
Easy one for me and these are my least favorite, 1:03 and no reveals..
2:21, which is unheard of for me. I must have been so fast since I was born in Memphis.