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Hint: Traditional Ballet is typically danced to what type of music?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
5:04…With no help
2:59. With more letter reveals than usual. I’m not familiar with ballet. Renaissance? I have no idea what that has to do with ballet. I needed lots of letter reveals for that one.
1:40 but with 2 word reveals, lol
2:34 1 letter hint
5:15; 2 hints. I got off to a really slow start. It took me about 3 minutes to guess the second word.
Always the one word with which I have problems.
2:26 after revealing the first three words. I did get the last two on my own and first as I worked backward. I guess my focus just wasn’t there since ballet doesn’t interred to me. For those who love ballet I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s puzzles.
2:05 Didn’t think I would get anything on this but came very easy with no reveals. Did check on spelling of renaissance though
1:44 with 2 letter hints…
Ballet originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th century
1:56 with hints for letters and words
25 seconds on the 3rd time around as the letters would not print in the correct spaces.
3:59 no reveals. 2nd word stumped me for a while.
I did terrible – worst yet. Only knew 2 of the words. Should have known 2 others. Obviously don’t know much about ballet. This is the time of the ‘Nutcracker’ playing in a lot of places. And I did see that before. Merry Christmas everyone!
11:59, with 5 letter hints. At least I didn’t have to reveal any words, but this was my very worst effort in the jumbles. Ballet just doesn’t rank very high in my priorities.
2:12 I can’t believe I got this with one 2 letter hints.
1:36 with one letter reveal, better than my usual but I was a ballet fan in my girlhood, lol
I know nothing about ballet. Never got one word unscambled. Total disaster.
wow, this was a toughie for me. I had to get some hints on the first letter of 3 of them, then couldn’t get the spelling correct of the first one so my time was awful!
:45 Ironically, I stumbled on graceful.
1:13. I’ll take it!