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Reveal Puzzle Used:
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Hint: Which region in Italy did the cannoli originate from?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Yum, what a great week! The breads, rolls and pastries have looked so good. Remembering the movie, Bob, Carole, Ted and Alice and one of the wives was a photographer for food magazines. Wondered what kind of career is there in photos of food? A lot apparently!
I normally HATE these, but…1:04 no hints, no reveals…and it actually TOOK the letters I was typing!!
2.26 with one letter reveal. I use to bake a lot, fresh bread mostly. I had a wheat grinder to make fresh flour. I even made doughnuts a few times for the kids. Now I buy ready made breads, tortillas and pastry treats.
4:25. I got stuck on the word PASTRIES and had to ask for a hint for both the first letter (P) and then the entire word.
woo hoo 48 seconds….probably my best. I do love food!
2:04 It would have been at least 10 seconds less, but the puzzle kept saying my spelling of Sicily was incorrect. When I asked for the answer, it spelled it the same way I did. Go figure….
:55 a good score for me.
Good one!
2:48, not great but fun!
Once again I beat everyone’s time, with the exception of those who beat my time. And, by the way, that appears to be everyone.
40 seconds!!
47 secs. Pretty good for me, but then I do love a good bakery!
Oh, that picture….I wanted a cup of coffee & anyone of what was in that picture1 Thanks for the delicious puzzle…no calories!
I spelled Sicily and vanilla correctly, but game said spelling was wrong. When doing check(?), game spelled Sicily and vanilla like I did. It was fun anyway, but frustrating.
1:49. I believe this was my best time ever. I thought it was gonna be much harder. No hints, no errors, though I did have to correct spelling on two words because I skipped over a couple of letters while typing.
3:38. Duh: I used three letter hints on cannoli. Apparently, I wasn’t hungry enough to solve any faster.
At the end of the day 1:29 w/3 hints
30 seconds, no hints. Would have been quicker, but I fumbled a couple of keys and my “Y” didn’t work 3 times.
41 seconds
2:14. Thought that was very good but scrolling down I see many were much quicker.
You finished the puzzle in 0:47
Hints Used on Letters: 0
Hints Used on Words: 0
Reveal Puzzle Used: No
Incorrect Letters after Check: 0
Incorrect Words after Check: 0
Check Attempts: 1
1:39 And wouldn’t you know, one of my two favorite desserts, cannoli, is the one that stumped me. I know you ALL want to know what the other is, right? (oh, hush…) I’ll tell you anyway… Tiramisu
59 seconds
1:09, no hints, no errors. I do best on the “food” ones.