Autumn Delights
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Hint: Tall autumn décor often used in harvest displays.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Burlap? Really? and I didn’t spell cornucopia correctly.
Oh, great!! It’s fall, dress up in some burlap bags and eat up some corn stalks??? Must be something from the north?
49 seconds. Here in the Midwest we don’t have much word association with burlap and autumn. BTW, Illinois is the pumpkin capital of the nation!
At 82, it’s not a ‘time’ challenge I’m concerned with. I’m just happy to be able to come up with the correct answer, at times having to use “hint” on first letter.
Helps if you can spell! Geez!
49 seconds. Had to be easy for me to get it done that quick. Never ever!
1.28 seconds. I am hot this week!
0:54 I’ll take it.
Alrighty then: 1:19 with no help/no misses.
1:22, no hints, no misses
Can’t put in first word
Couldn’t put in first word. Last word was correct but I guess I didn’t apply the space (sigh)
Recognized the first word immediately, but somehow was entering it in the second word spaces. Had trouble as letters did not want to appear where I was tryng to place them. Then realized it was a different word than I had thought, so I corrected it and then zipped through the rest of the puzzle and hit “check puzzle.” Imagine my surprise when it said I had 1 word incorrect. Went to the end and rechecked spellings moving backwards until I got to the first word. That’s when I discovered that I had nothing entered because of the puzzle skipping to the second word when I first started. Also, what I thought the first word was, was actually correct so I entered it, but by that time, 3:03 had elapsed, and what really only took me about 20 seconds to figure, took me much longer to get it entered correctly. Oh yes, although burlap jumped right out at me, I didn’t see it’s relationship to autumn, either.
1:06. I have never seen a ‘real’ cornucopia, and in South Texas, burlap was so common (farms and ranches) and so many things came in big burlap bags (“tow sacks”), I never considered those things as “Autumn”.
The first word in each puzzle keeps shuffling and won’t give me a keyboard so I can’t type my answer.
Did terrible. Only knew 2 of them. Rest were hint ridden. Corn stalks and cornucopia??
Well holy crap….took me almost 8 minutes.
2:58, no hints. Had hard time with 4th word and last clue. But, I’ll take it with no hints.
42 seconds