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Hint: What is the name of the marsupial native to Australia who often eat eucalyptus tree leaves?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
3:44 One letter reveal. I don’t like being first.
1:00 Melbourne took a little more thinking.
These are so much easier on a computer than tablet or phone. It takes half the time for me on the computer, because the keys respond instantly, vs. having to tap the space the letter goes before tapping the letter on the tablet.
45 seconds. It must have been the coffee!
1:19…The best I’ve ever done on the Word Jumbles! (:
1:58. My personal best!
The first word is the only one I got. Obviously I don’t know Australia.
First and third words weren’t even involved. Weird!
2:07 missed tasmania
1:28 Not bad. 2 first letter reveals but it was easy after that. Never been to Australia, likely never will but it would be nice if I could.My long-time best friend is from Australia. Love her accent!
3:54 no reveals, no missed attempts. Fun puzzle even if I am slow.
1:58 with 2 letter hints. Surprised myself!
51 sec. Easier than I expected.
1:20 with 3 letter assist
3:01 with two hints, one each for Tasmania and Melbourne. Just couldn’t begin to unscramble the letters without revealing the first letter in each word.
1:17, my personal best for this game, didn’t hurt that during my stint in the U.S. Navy, I did work with some Australian Navy ships and crew.
1:33, and I am amazed. Word jumbles are about the last puzzles I tend to gravitate toward. This one sucked me right in, though, and I set my personal record for AMAC puzzles of all sorts!
Loved it! Thank you
40 seconds!!
:47 on cell phone
Often have to correct typos which burns time
Still may be best ever for me
Knew all the answers quickly just can’t type fast enuf
:41 seconds! best time for me. This one was easy!
1:35, but had to use 2 letter hints and a word reveal. Not good.
This was a fun one. I don’t know much about Australia. This proved it. Just kept plugging away and trying permutations until the letters looked like they might be in the correct order.
The words were readily apparent, so I think I was blessed with a generous “scrambling” of the letters -and- I didn’t mis-type along the way. Doubt I will ever see this score again!
Congratulations! You finished the puzzle in 0:24
Hints Used on Letters: 0
Hints Used on Words: 0
Reveal Puzzle Used: No
Incorrect Letters after Check: 0
Incorrect Words after Check: 0
Check Attempts: 1
38 seconds – a record for me!
You finished the puzzle in 0:45
Hints Used on Letters: 0
Hints Used on Words: 0
Reveal Puzzle Used: No
Incorrect Letters after Check: 0
Incorrect Words after Check: 0
Check Attempts: 1
You finished the puzzle in 2:44
Stats:Hints Used on Letters: 3
Hints Used on Words: 0
Reveal Puzzle Used: No
Incorrect Letters after Check: 0
Incorrect Words after Check: 0
Check Attempts: 1
Filled in the last word first with the clue. Had to get 1st letter hint on words 2, 3, & 4
24 seconds