Beautiful Arizona
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Hint: This historic town nestled in Cochise County, Arizona, is renowned as the site of the legendary gunfight at the O.K. Corral.
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Incorrect Letters after Check:
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Buckeye is a city in Arizona that has nothing to do with the buckeye tree or the buckeye nut, which are native to the eastern and midwestern United States. The name Buckeye comes from the Buckeye Canal, which was built by an early settler named Malie M. Jackson, who was from Ohio, also known as the Buckeye State1. Buckeye is Arizona’s largest city by area, and it is the westernmost suburb in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area1. As of 2020, the population was 91,502, making it one of the fastest growing cities in the country1. Buckeye is located approximately 30 miles (48 km) west of downtown Phoenix in the Buckeye Valley
What does buckeye have to do with Arizona? 2:37 w/7 hints.
How would you like to live in a town with the name “Tombstone?”
:32. Guess it helps to live here. Buckeye is a town in AZ, largest city by area, west of Phoenix.
2:37 Buckeye stopped me dead in my tracks. Had to use three reveals.
3:09. I got stuck on Maricopa. Used 7 letter hints on it.
1:40, I used to live in Tucson.
Tripped over ‘Maricopa’……
34 seconds, no reveals. I knew about Buckeye because I did the quiz first. I do all the games on Friday.
There was only one T circled in the clue words, yet two T’s in Tombstone.
1:16, for me. #2 jumped right out at me, although I didn’t see what it had to do with Arizona until I read Steve’s explanation. Thanks Steve.
I think they had one left over from Ohio..Eyes rolling..2:26 with several hints.You guys have a blessed day.
The first two were all I got, and buckeye was easy for me, I associate it with Ohio though.
I had a hard time with Buckeye. I had to use a help on that one. My score was 1:34 for the day. Stay safe out there because somebody loves you.
1:31 with no hints though I had to skip past the first two and return after answering the last three. Should’ve been easier but unfortunately my brain just couldn’t seem to make sense of them at first.
you actually have the last word misspelled. You might want to recheck how to spell that town.
30 seconds. Easy does it.