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Hint: "This city is known as the 'Paris of South America,' famous for its European-style architecture, tango dance, and being the birthplace of the iconic soccer legend Diego Maradona."
Hints Used on Letters:
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Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
I didn’t even try this one.
Well, let me see. I have 10 spaces for 9 letters in “empanadas”. I have no idea what the word is and it won’t do a word reveal. So, I’d say this was a bust.
I like puzzles about America better.
“Epanadas” is the incorrect spelling of “Empanadas”. Ate lots of these when living in Panama.
The only thing I do know regarding Argentina is they welcomed the Nazi’s after WWII.
The Nazi’s were the most vile humans of our oldest remaining generation…
My German grandfather and grandmother came to America just before the 2nd world war.
My dad married a wonderful lady from Ireland!
I still miss them, but I do have their good genes… 🙂
4:07 lots of help with spelling
All the other problems are bad enough, now they’re putting extraneous spaces in the words???
Well, I would have been finished in less than two minutes but somebody misspelled empanadas, so my time was 2:07. Rascals.
clue took the most time, buenos aires tip of the tongue!!
1:32. Not sure how I did that!
I know so little about Argentina that I didn’t even try this one.
Empanadas is only 9 letters, AMAC
I knew the answer without even trying the rest of the puzzle. That should be a win, not a fail.
Couldn’t get the puzzle to start. So what’s new?
Hahaha, spelling.
3:46 with 3 hints. … I need to travel more!