Apple Picking
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Hint: What is the popular beverage made from apples that is often associated with apple picking?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
37 seconds – it’s a great day for a great day! Make someone smile today – you may be the only chance they get.
1:23 no hints! GOOOOOD morning!! 🙂
1:09…1 letter reveal on the 3rd one.
never heard the word farmstand
43 sec. I think I’ll go out and buy some cider.
Could have stayed on this forever and never would have got FARMSTAND – never heard the word.
1:12 Total guess on Farmstand.
1:53 Farmstand put me over the 1 minute mark
2:25 Farmstand took me 5 letter hints to figure out. I never heard it called that. Fruit stand or Roadside stand, maybe.
1:07 Rather easy.
Fourth puzzle word, FARMSTAND wasn’t used, but could have been used for the D. Too Bad!
2:59. I needed a hint for the third word – farmstand – a term I’ve never heard. I’ve been to apple orchards and cider orchards before. I guess I learned something today!
2:25 Never did get ‘farmstead’. Had to use a reveal.
oops! I meant ‘farmstand’.
Took a couple of tries to get “farmstand” but finally got them all. However, it kept telling me I had one word wrong, which I didn’t.
Farm stand is two words
I have never heard farmstand and spell check says it is not a word. i used draftsman which is a word.
I useto live near many farmstands. Love buying at them! Thank you for the memories.
1:40 good time for me
1:10 No hints or misses
never heard of farmstand either–had to get a letter to help. 4:03 because I was too stubborn to ask for a hint..
waahoo 48 secs. Happy Friday
2:57. Finally got farmstand after a couple of hints. But I fefer to them as a roadside stands.
25 seconds…shocker…I grew up around farm stands so I got that one Ok.
0:59…Farmstand? Never heard of it and finally had to use the reveal.
Only one stumped me for a few seconds.
I love farmstands Best fresh produce and other goodies.
Autumn is our favorite season, winter cold to promise of spring, the warmth of the summer sun gives way to the cycle of seasons…
2;45 – i have said this before on this type of puzzle. My time would probably have been half what I posted because many times when I hit a key it does not come up – I have to go back and rehit the key several times before it comes up. Am I doing something wrong? Very frustrating, but I always come back for more! lol