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Hint: This is the rallying cry for the Alabama Crimson Tide athletic teams.
Hints Used on Letters:
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Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Easy Peasy except I couldn’t spell Talladega!
41 Worked for two companies based in Birmingham
1:04!! Roll Tide!!
Roll Tide Roll!!
To Seconds! RTR!
1:04. Oh Dolly, I’m hot todat
Roll Tide…I love it . Easiest puzzle ever. Have a blessed day everyone.
YES! It’s a good morning indeed – 1:38. zoom zoom
129 that was unexpected!
Was not able to type in the top like it wouldn’t bring up my keyboard
33 seconds! Easiest ever!
1:17 because I had trouble with spelling for Talladega. Guess it helps I grew up in northwest Florida and so very familiar with the cities named in this puzzle with exception of Talladega.
4:32 Got hung up for 3+ minutes on the rally cry – used several reveal letters on that. hahaha I don’t follow sports much, as you can tell.
3:50 w/9 assits. 7 on theone that is usually easy for me.
Not difficult for a native Bama girl, now removed, who loves the Crimson Tide
0:54, I guess growing up in Florida helped
Couldn’t spell Tuscaloosa, used some letter hints on it. I’ve never heard the term “Roll Tide”. Guess I don’t know very much about Alabama.
1:47 Had a hard time with Talladega. Make a stranger smile and know that soneone loves you.
2:06 good time for me
Piece of Southern cake. 0:49 was earned by knowledge of the great state’s geography.
55 seconds, easy peasy!
2:02, 1 hint.
wow…1:42…my best ever on this game….woohooo!