Air Force
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Hint: The use of an aircraft, typically fighter or attack aircraft, to provide close air support (CAS) to ground forces engaged in combat or other tactical operations.
Hints Used on Letters:
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Incorrect Letters after Check:
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Check Attempts:
I got the first two but after that, had no clue and needed all the hints. And to think at one time I contemplated joining the Air Force when I was younger but never did.
1:19, guess being an Air Force mom helped.
2:49 This was a fun scramble. God bless the military!
Oh my. Not my forte. I used so many letter hints (15) and word hints (2). Unbelievable how little I knew. Ouch.
Under three minutes. Happy birthday to the Superfortress, B-29. On this date in 1944 a B-29 test flight was across the USA. Less than a year later some rather nasty folks got a real big BANG out of it’s cargo.
Got the first 3 right away, couldn’t figure #4. I was going to reveal the whole word, but went for first letter and then got it right away. Could have guessed the last 2 words of the final, but with all the letters of the first word, I simply couldn’t figure it. Funny thing, though, I checked my time before I revealed the final answer, and was at 2:02. After clicking reveal, then word, then scrolling down to check puzzle, my time went 3:32! I must have blacked out for over a minute.
4:41 w17 letter hints.
4:22 with one letter hint. – I’m OK with that. Cheers!
Don’t mean to be picky here, but paratroopers are not air force personnel; a few certain special ops troops, but not paratroopers generally.
509 & 6 letter reveals
2:21. Tripped over ‘Hercules’.
Okay, moving on now…
1:39. Would’ve been faster but misspelled air as aur in tactical air support.
5:05 – Not good for someone that was an Air Force dependent & served 6 years in it. Got everything until the last part & I knew what TAS is – had a major brain freeze, along with a computer freeze.