Abraham Lincoln
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Hint: Lincoln led the country through the Civil War and preserved the what?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Emacipation??? It’s Emancipation. Come on man….
The misspelling of EMANCIPATION held my attention for a long time. I never did figure it out and had to use a REVEAL WORD to get it. I was on track for my best time. But as someone who types a lot of words in his life I fully understand the mistake. Don’t lose sleep over it.
No wonder I couldn’t get one word – it’s emancipation!!
Emancipation spelled wrong!!!!
They messed up on “Emancipation”, left out the first “N”. I kept re-spelling it and finally did a word reveal. Oh, well. These were some long words and helped me brush up on my spelling skills.
2:09, would have been under 1 minute if it were not for the wrong spelling of emancipation
spend lots of time trying to solve emancipation because it is spelled wrong in the puzzle…the rest of the puzzle was pretty easy
It’s a bit ridiculous that words like emancipation are unknown to this puzzle producer. Do you not know or do you not proofread?
Good grief. The puzzle person probably hasn’t been educated in the Civil War, either
You have misspelled the word emancipation. You omitted the first n.
yepper–stumped me for sure!
emancipation is spelled wrong! Had to use a revel since I couldn’t figure out how to spell it correctly with what was there!
2:29. AMAC (or whomever is responsible creating this puzzle) – You MISSPELLED the third word – emancipation – and didn’t leave enough spaces in order to correctly spell it. There are TWO N’S; not one. I wonder if anyone else found this mistake!!
They must have fixed the puzzle. Emancipation was correct when I completed it just now.
AMAC: Either fire your proofreader or teach her to spell emancipation. Everybody who commented today said the same thing. It takes the fun out of a puzzle if the person who creates it misspells!
forgiveness is a gift; we appreciate this site and IMO I’m thankful its offered on this platform! Thanks for reminding us the sacrifices Lincoln made for his country-
Hello AMAC Friends!
While we are very good at standing up for conservative values, it seems we have failed at spelling! Yes, we misspelled the word emancipation in today’s Word Jumble. We apologize for the inconvenience and promise to be more diligent in our proofreading.
Team AMAC ☺
Emancipation looks right to me. Doesn’t matter anyway since there are no letters in it for the answer. Same for the 4th word, Gettysburg. That’s not the way Jumbles are supposed to work.
THANK YOU AGAIN & AGAIN FOR ALL THE PUZZLES.Such a breathe of fresh air there was a mistake, You are Humans not machines! That somehow feels so good. Thank you all you do, a Wonderful job!
46 seconds, no hints and no reveals. Easiest one of these I have ever done.
Got every word except republican. Could be a mental block because there are so few real republicans in congress.
if I did not have to look up the spelling, I still probably would not say anything. P still cannot understand why Lincoln is being canceled.
Spelled Illinois right the first time, but the puzzle did not confirm so i kept trying. It is disappointing when these puzzles do not work right.
2:19 after using the first letter reveal for Republican. Don’t think I’d have ever gotten it otherwise. The others were easy.
All the words for this one were pretty obvious, but fumble fingers on the keyboard had me spelling Illinois wrong the first time. 45 seconds
33 seconds, no hints or reveals. A personal best
34 seconds.
I really had trouble with emancipation and had to use the hint. But the others were easy enough.
Fun games. Love them.
1:33 – struggled with emancipation for a while before it became clear as a bell. But no reveals.
32 seconds – Woo Hoo!
2:05, not too bad!