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Hint: January 15, 1967, Forty million TV viewers watch the Green Bay Packers beat the Kansas City Chiefs in the first ever
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
5:45 with 6 letter hints and 2 word hints. I didn’t realize that they were all TV shows until I was down to one. It was supposed to be about the 60’s, and, yes I know those were all 60’s shows, but there was a heck of a lot more to the 60’s than just TV. I think I would have done much better if they’d had the whole titles to unscramble. Come to think of it,that would have made it way too easy.
Where were the D’s?
This was ridiculous! No D’s!! How were we supposed to figure answer? I wanted to say Presidential debate from the get-go, but based on all previous scrambles the letters had to be gotten from the answers.
Wow!! 2:19. I have very fond memories of the ’60’s.
Interesting that the words I had to unscramble don’t match the ones that people are listing below.
Mine had to do with someone that wiggled their nose to do magic, lived on Mockingbird Lane, was at a Junction and lived in Bedrock and the final had to do with a game played in January with a pigskin.
Were there two different word jumbles for this week?
Are these puzzles being produced in China?
No fair! I had no TV growing up (and still don’t. My poor children will be at a disadvantage when the theme is 1990s!)
0:58. Nice to see my beloved “Fugitive” show as one of the items.
2:30 with 2 hints. Easier once I figured out they were TV shows.
4:11 with no hints – The title should have been 60’s television!
3:22 and some hints and what really stopped me cold was the lack of the Ds that were not in the final scrambled letters!
3:43 I couldn’t figure out what Hillbillies had to do with the Sixties until I solved Jeannie, then the rest was a breeze.
Bewitched will not stop resetting. Can’t enter the word. Problem with the app.
58 seconds. Flintstones took a second.
To me, the 60’s were about WAAAAAAAAAAAY more than TV shows. Jus’ sayin’…
535 11 letters
Apparently, the Saturday version is not always the same as the rest of the week. There were no “hillbillies” in mine.
Yesterday I got them all in 1:49…today I drew a blank at a couple. LOL
As a child of the 60s I’m disappointed on your choices. I would’ve expected things like Apollo, Woodstock, civil rights and other events rather than TV titles long forgotten.
I didn’t catch the hint on TV shows until the end. Then Hillbillies made sense. The final scramble was obvious from the clue, but NONE of the other scrambles had D’s in them.
I had a horrible time. Didn’t figure out they were TV shows until the end, too late then. I got the final with no letters to work with (I did that first), but where were the D’s? Total confusion on my part.
5:46 – This one was bad – 8 letters, 2 words. The old brain was out to lunch, it must have been because of spending the day with errands
3:13; 2 hints. I still remember those televised debates between JFK and Richard Nixon.
Yeah, not fun today. Not a variety of the 60”s. Too many hints-not my style. Like to use the ol noggin. Better tomorrow?
3:13 with two letter assists. Took a bit to get started but the televised debate was easy, though kinda a guest. Had to use first letter hints on Flintstones and fugitive. Initially misspelled Jeannie with only one n.
Thanks AMAC, good one! Tricks were Tuesday, lol! I spotted “hillbillies’ on the first scrambled word and thought will they all be TV shows? Loved that The Fugitive made it as a scramble- remembering the final show when Richard Jensen caught the murderer and he finally had justice!