Vatican City
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Looked at that ceiling and said ” nope ” not today !
very busy pics – eyeball floaters were goin’ NUTS!
You’ve got to be kidding!
Yes — one of the most difficult Spot the Differences games ever! I am proud that I persevered and found all five!
wow…..tough and busy!!!!!gave up at 6:48 ….1 reveal……
Are you f’ing kidding me? not even going to try!
Ha! Less than 3 minutes for the first 4, then somehow lost nearly 3 more minutes for #5. Time for some more coffee…
Just too busy for me today.
4:44 1 reveal a hard one
1:16….110 missed clicks!!! Lol …. Found one and then decided to just keep on clicking until all the green circles showed up! It was that or just not do it at all! Way too busy today!
2:28 Too Busy
5:27 Hit the reveal for the last one. Couldn’t believe it, the center of the dome! It was right there in plain site…
Hard to do when only one of the Images show up on your screen.
Busy! Busy! But Beautiful! Time 4:44
Impossible to do on my iphone Found 2 then gave up.
2:36. My wife warned me that it was hard, so I took special care to look close.
Too small and busy! Hurt my eyes!
Tuffest one so far. 5:11 and had to take a reveal
for the fifth one.
Not Catholic, but looking at the inside of the Basilica, can’t help but wonder who had the ‘final vision’ of the finished product! So much artwork on the ceiling and walls. Family who’ve viewed it said, it’s nearly impossible to take everything in, missing the finite details, and even if you could, the crowd doesn’t allow for spending more than couple minutes in these main areas. Their tour began at 6am and their photos show the halls were packed with visitors. Hope to find a site that shows and explains some of the details – but they said it was a magnificent place to stand and ‘just take’ it all in.
tough one! 4:10.
Well, that took forever and I couldn’t find the last one. Did a reveal. Talk about googled-eyed.
3:03!! No missed or reveals . . . LOTS of good guesses!!!!
At first I thought oh no way, then I took a deep breath and went for it. One missed click, and one reveal. Not to bad. 2:35
Amazing, but true 1.19 Much better than a lot of easier ones!
1:04. Found them more quickly than I thought I would.
2:43 hard one but pretty
2:56 No reveals
3:55! Took me awhile, but I found them all with no help. I need to see my eye doctor!
2:15 BUSY picture
2:19 – 18 misses and 1 reveal ha ha
2:07. Pretty challenging one. I liked it.
2.39… no reveals
33 seconds. easier than it looked.
4:02. No Reveals. I’ve had trouble with alot easier puzzles.
I’m usually not very good at this. Took me 3:55.
4 1 reveal.
Got four of them. There should be another puzzle for those of us with old eyes who can’t see the tiny details.
0.57 Love these pictures
54 seconds. And the clicker even worked. WHAT a picture, though…
Not being Catholic & having NO idea what I was looking at or for, I actually got 2!
Got the first 4 in 30 seconds, but then at 2 minutes, unable to find the 5th one, I cheated and had it revealed. I don’t think I ever would have seen that last one. It was too busy of a pic for sure.
3:53 Way to busy! nice pic though.
I don’t even try to solve the what’s difference puzzles anymore. The person who puts that puzzle together must be a sadist. How in hell’s name are we supposed to spot the difference when the photos are stacked one on top of the other with nothing to compare to. I don’t have a photographic memory so I’m not able to remember every detail in one photo to the next. GOOD GRIEF. ,
1:20 I’m in a state of shock
A first for me: one of my clicks (“upper left”) was OUTSIDE where the circle was placed, but it caused the circle to appear and was counted as a single click! Of course, one of the other circles was, again, way off center (“mid-right”), so THAT valid click was not counted as correct and I had to re-click for that one . . . ^%#$#@!@$%& c’mon guys!!!!!
For me a “great time” i,e,, 3:45, for this type of “Spot the Difference”. No missed clicks or reveals.
The errors and the circles could be better aligned. Not this one, but I’ve had to do 5 missed clicks ON THE ERROR, only to click OFF the error for the circle to show up.
4 in 1:10. Used reveal for the other. Still a clear difference, though harder to spot.