United States Presidents
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Found this to be difficult with poor click locations for differences. They seem to be prevalent in these puzzles.
1:09 Had to quadruple click on Lincolns beard before it took, finally succeeded.
2:40 Didn’t notice Jefferson’s eye at first.
The HUGE ‘Let’s chat’ icon on the lower right side is in the way.
I enjoyed this puzzle. I found it challenging yet fun to complete. I love Mt. Rushmore. I visited Mt Rushmore in 1962 with my parents. I was very pleased to complete this puzzle.
2:51 Very slight differences.
Got the first four quickly but the last one i used the Reveal. However, using the reveal , I still can’t see the fifth one .
.43. Easy one today.
:55 – Found 4 right off, then finally realized Abe lost his beard.
2:10 Without peeking at the comments 🙂 No misses! A fun puzzle!
I found all five differences in 2:36 which is an OK time but finding ‘em all is a victory for me. Have to admit that I read your comments first. Thank you very much! Am really enjoying this week’s subject.
I clicked on Lincolns beard 8 times=didn’t take.
They need to fix click lacations=vary frustating
1:40 without reveals. Some are more difficult than others.
Good puzzle. The Thomas Jefferson difference is subtle.
The Jefferson eye and Lincoln beard differences are crap. You need to cast the images to a big screen to spot these subtle changes.
59 seconds. The clicker is back to its malfunctioning self. Kewl picture, though.
1:30 today. Not great time, but fun.
1:54 because of the difference on Jefferson. Oh, well.
1:04 I think I’ve got it about placing your pointer to the right place
1:06. One of my better times.
.50 seconds
.35 seconds.