United States Armed Forces
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3:07 – Always the last one that gives me trouble!
Imagine that…
This was a hard one for me. 3:53. I could not find the last one. I did a reveal.
1:21 – I must have eaten some carrots and didn’t know it! The puzzle gods took pity on this old soldier!
Once again, I spotted 4 in less than 30 seconds, but took so long on the last one, my final time was 4:23. At least I did find it, without help, and once I did find it, it seemed so obvious, I can’t understand why I didn’t spot it as quickly as the other 4.
3:18 slow today and I just had my eyes checked two weeks ago
Great job, AMAC; put one of the differences in the blurry area. Nice going.
1:55 today. Easier than some. Thank you to all who served in our military!
2:41 – 1 reveal – found 4 in no time, the last one (the faded glove on the left I didn’t see because I was looking for small items above on the uniforms). Oh well, better luck next time.
A buddy of mine was regular army, and he told me about an inspection they had. The whole platoon cleaned their mess kits with acid, scrubbed with soap and water and then polished them until they looked like chrome. The Lt. came in for inspection and, “mess kit, dirty!” and tossed them all into the corner. Later the guys got a great laugh out of it.
1:10 ..With quite a few misses.Hope you guys have had a blessed day.I’ve had a lot going on and haven’t been able to get on till late,
2:05 with one reveal.. 🙁
2:29 no misses.
2:22 no missed clicks or reveals
0.28 with one misclick which was accidental due to hovering my finger too close to the picture while looking. Best yet for me, I think
48 seconds. But the clicker worked today….
2:49. Ok last one was hard!
2:52 had to use a reveal…
:16 my fastest ever. Dad served in Air Corps before it became the Air Force. Wanted to be a pilot, but he was such a great plane mechanic, they didn’t want to lose him. Then he test drove the planes to make sure they were in tip top shape.
503 Very hard
Isn’t this recycled from a few months ago?
3:33 no misses. Last one took the longest to find. Fun though.
.53 seconds
1:30 But I missed one. Gave up too quick…
1:41 w/1 reveal. And, when I do the reveal …why can’t I see it? These don’t look like Army uniforms to me.
If U don’t FIX the MISSED clicks…I’ll delete U
1:13 Easier than usual.
1:15 with no errors, probably my best time yet for spot the differebce.
F*** the designer of these pieces of garbage
This made my eyes hurt