Traffic Jam
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Had to reveal the last one at 9:36. I could swear that the picture on the left was a bit less focused while I was searching, than it was when I got my results.
This one was kind of weird, all 5 of them crunched into there together instead of being spread out over the whole picture took more time .
2:10, fooled me as I scanned the whole picture and what did I find out . . . They were bunched together. Not much of a “traffic jam” though.
This was a real toughie for me! Too busy, much too much to look at, almost made me dizzy 🙂
I finally did a reveal for the last one and even then it took me a bit to actually see it. If hard is the point of these, they really hit the target today! LOL
The picture was so busy, but found them all. No reveals, however it took For-ev-er.
Anyone else’s eyes look at all those traffic signs and their mind goes ‘what?’ Know if you drove it all the time, it’d be a piece of cake…kind of like driving the DFW corridor north of the airport, four major highways all dump into a stretch of highways 1-2 miles long.
3:03 no reveals. Made me not want to go out of the house! LOL
What a load of …… I clicked on the missing triangle in the lower center of the pic 4 or5 times before I moved far enough AWAY from it for it to take. The triangle ended up being UNDER the upper right quadrant of the circle. No more of these. Nope, no more.
.22 for me.
5:05 Extra long time for me but finally found the missing sign on taxi cab without a reveal.
Sometimes I think that we are not all looking at the same puzzle. Someone mentioned that they were all scrunched together. Not on the one I did. Two circles touched each other but the others were scattered about.
4:51 One reveal. This was a tough one. Sooo glad I don’t live there. The 95 and the 15 are bad enough here in Vegas and I NEVER drive on the strip…ever!!
2:08 This was a tuff one.
Thy suck one thing I clicked on they wouldn’t give mr because they didn’t like that I was on it rather than near it.
4:00 and 1 reveal! That was not fun at all!!
I found this puzzle difficult. Get challenge AMAC. Found 4 of the 5. Had to use 1 reveal. The 5th change was right in front of me and I just could not see it. Talking about a blind spot. Believe it or not, it was the license plate. I must laugh at myself. Loved this puzzle. Great puzzle. Great fun.
This puzzle was just one more reminder of why I have never been to NY
1:41 with two missed clicks, I was in the right place so I don’t let it get to me. This was an easy one for me. Thanks AMAC, for doing this for us.
43 secs but that was hard to see
6:50 One reveal. Looked closely everywhere only to discover they were close together right in front of me. Oh well. I enjoy these puzzles.
5:23. That last one took me forever to find. Right in front of me all the time (the license plate).
I think they missed a traffic light. . . . LOL
5:49 Longer than usual but I was looking at the buildings and things in the background. I was missing the arrow just under the no left turn red arrow in white square. Glad I don’t live and drive in a big city like this.
3.23 Used 1 reveal, this was a tough one
3:52- no reveals (amazing)
Got four in under 30 seconds, last one took nearly 4:30 minutes and it was staring me in the face. I love that I don’t live in a big city.
2:35 with 1 missed click.
2:56 Glad I live in rural community.
got 5 missed clicks trying to find where to click on the missing diamond on the pole in the center of the street/picture. Clicking right on it would not work. When I finally found it it was lower left of the actual missing item. They need to set these things up better. Otherwise, it was an easy one.
4:24 with 1 reveal. These just are not made to do on a phone screen. I will say 1 in 10 or so are actually fun to do. Getting very close to the “why bother” point. There are enough “find the object” games to play on line to keep me happy.
These spot the difference photos are deliberately put ever so slightly out of focus which puts us low vision people at a disadvantage. I was able to find three but could not see the other two.
Hey AMAC, How about putting the missing thing in the MIDDLE of the circle. Not a single one of these ‘differences’ is actually in the middle of the circle when I click on it. Most importantly, the difference on the right side of the taxi on the left side of the picture. Is that a difficult thing to do, put the circle AROUND the difference so the difference is actually IN THE MIDDLE of the CIRCLE?
4:50…longest time I have EVER had here. WHY is that person standing in the road?! IMHO, the only reason folks are stuck living there is because they have jobs. You couldn’t drag me backwards to a place like this……………….
2:11 gave up and took a reveal..
3:32.. I gave up and had a reveal. Still dont see it. Everything in the circle by the left fender of the cab looks the same to me.
This isn’t a challenge, it’s a migraine-maker. Not fun.
Wow! This picture gave me the heeebie – jeebies! I used to repair computer systems in Manhattan.
It was a NIGHTMARE! My all-time high for parking fees for one day was $57!!! And that was in the mid-80s! I’m out of there 35 years now. Hallelujah!
Looks to me like the AMAC staff has a bit of a nepotism problem on the higher end of its staff. 2) we need to get off our butts and find candidates good ones, not ex-football players who can’t speak correctly to run for office this year or we are going to lose big time in a year that should be a total sweep. Folks get serious about this year’s election as the opposition has the software, circuit court judges, city clerks, and computers to win again. The elections have nothing to do with people voting but it’s the people who count the votes that matter. (Joey Stalin) Let’s get serious. Let’s get to work
9:54 with one reveal
3:11 14 missed clicks no reveals 🙂
I’ve been noticing lately that these spot the difference photos are slightly out of focus. It puts people like me with diminished vision at a distinct disadvantage.
:53! best ever!
2:58 no missed clicks 1 reveal. Couldn’t find the sign on the cab