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1:03…I didn’t have the picture up far enough to see the kayak at the bottom of the screen soon enough. At least they didn’t have us counting grains of sand…..
39 sec
Sometimes I just need a smack to the back of my head.
36 seconds, Wow, that was easy!!
33 sec. Easy.
.19 sec. Too easy.
18 seconds!! Never had one this easy.
1:24 no misses.
My fastest time ever. 0:27, no reveals or misses.
1:47 couldn’t find the pink umbrella–got the rest very fast they are so obvious.
28 seconds I wish I were there
Did you see the size of that shark?? Kidding . . . .
Very summery picture. Took me 2 minutes to find the differences. It was hot on that beach and the sun was in my eyes. You mean you don’t get into the pictures like Dick vanDyke did in “Mary Poppins”?
1:05 No rush.
:34 fastest time ever! Easy one for today.
1:44, 1 missed click. It took me a full minute to find the first “spot the difference” picture. I found the other four quickly!
50 seconds.
This one was easy but still fun. Great picture — wish I had been flying the plane that carried the photog!
.34, an easy one for me.
So easy 30 seconds flat.
57 seconds good for me..had to move screen up to see that last boat.. ha h
38 sec. no misses. Easy, but fun too. Love these
41 seconds
1:37 I had to scroll down to get the one on the bottom. The whole picture didn’t fit on my screen. I didn’t realize that at first. Looks like a hot sandy beach day. I haven’t had one of those since I came back from Hawaii in 2019 Canceled my trip for 2020 due to covid, Now my Navy son-in-law and daughter are stationed elsewhere.
63 seconds, good time for using my phone!
They must be feeling bad about giving us so many hard puzzles recently. The past couple have been way too easy!
0.47 Wow another record for me Love this type of game
If the touch screen always worked, I would have scored really well. Took multiple touches to get two of them to register. Frustrating!
27 seconds…no errors
1:04 with no missed clicks. Done on my phone so I had to scroll up to see the missing kayak in the water. Probably would’ve been slightly faster, maybe under 1:00 if I’d been able to see the full picture at once. No big deal, still my best time ever.
A great relaxing scene.
2:14 thought I did well until I saw everyone else’s time lol. Oh well it was fun!
:53… being slightly colorblind did not help… 🙂
31 seconds with no misses! My fastest ever!
:37 That’s the best I’ve ever done.
1 minute flat!
Easiest one to solve that I have tried, but I don’t often try the “find the difference” puzzle feature.
1:36 – wasted time not looking at the boats/water !
1:03 – i had 5 miss clicks until I realized it was a little something stuck to my screen – LOL…but a fun puzzle!
41 secs best ever
1:00 even.
.24 and my eyes were even dialated from my doctor appt
Thank you, very enjoyable!
:19 with only 1 miss; easiest one yet.
30sec…fun and easy!
:43 – screen not big enough to see the whole picture at one time!
:20 ,this was an easy one. Wish I was there.
I supposedly had 2 “missed clicks” but I tried to click on the third kayak and it didn’t take. I did not really “miss” it. I have noticed this happening a few times before. I don’t think their software is calibrated correctly or something……