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26 seconds, and the clicker worked MOST of the time today. Sh-SHOCK!
1:25..Happy hump day….
1:02. Love those Renaissance fairs.
The most obvious one (to me) took me the longest to find. Go figure.
my goodness… they chopped off her leg!!!
Nothing says Renaissance like a jet stream across the sky!
2:12 Love Renaissance fairs
I’m shocked! 1:07!
1:19 I’m still not sure about the rod on the red and gold banner…still fun.
This one seemed a little weird to me to start with but then I saw that one participant was missing a foot and my “weird-o-meter” was confirmed. LOL
Tis but a flesh wound! 42 seconds and 2 missed – just missed the sweet spots!
.50 sec. No reveals. Second cup of Java opened my weary eyes. I do not believe that I managed to find all of them. Have a blessed Wednesday!
3:58 I see other really quick times but for me it was slow going on almost all of them.
1:37 good time for me.
1:15, no reveals, as usual got first four in under 20 seconds then struggle through all the circles to find the last one.
The other odd thing was the “&” symbol attached to nothing. AMAC tech messed that one up.
Good puzzle today… I finished in 46 seconds… I’m going to quit while I’m ahead…
.23 What a fun place to visit
I couldn’t find that final one. Had to do a reveal to show the stein. My time is worth reporting. Ugh
4:55 with one reveal, missed the difference in the banner with the coat of arms (two lions). The other four differences were easy and I found them quickly, probably under two minutes, but as usual the last one got me. Still a nice puzzle.
I found all 5. Took me awhile. I had difficulty finding the pewter mug in the hand of the man on the front right. Great puzzle. Thank you AMAC.
2.06 – Good time for me!! Thanks
2:04 with 3 “misclicks” because it kept not accepting the click on the overhang banners. but always fun anyway
58 sec-one of my best ever!
44 sec – yippee
23 seconds. One of my best times.
You really need to be careful where you tsp. I recognized one right away but it wouldn’t mark the spot until 60+ taps later!
1:08 not bad
2:42 couldnt find the difference in the lions!!! I still dont see the difference.
Is there a NEW PUZZLE once a week? Or is the puzzle repeated
everyday for a week?
Don’t know about y’all, but I get tired of clicking on the exact spot something is different, and I get dinged with a “miss”!
the shaded area on one of the flags is barely visible , even with my new progressive glasses. Any how you have to have perfect eye sight for this puzzle.
don’t want to use my real name for privacy. Why is it showing a email format. I didn’t trust it so I made it up.
1:39 no missed clicks or reveals