Niagara Falls
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That’s what I enjoy about this game — I get to do some arm chair traveling. The pictures are usually great!
Beautiful! Wish we’d traveled to the Canadian side to view toward the US
3:22…. This one is driving me to go back to the eye doctor!?
3:34 no misses. Beautiful
Easier than I thought it would be. On my bucket list to see!
2:09. Great place to visit. Nice to be reminded.
1:31 No misses
2:59 This took a lot of back and forth comparing to find differences 4 and five. Time wasn’t great, but could have been much worse.
Awsome picture of an awesome place. Been there, would enjoy seeing it again!
It took me too long!
1:45 no misses. Surprised myself.
2:20 easier than I thought it would be, but still fun
As ALWAYS, the first four came under 30 seconds. The fifth one…..I’m not tellin’.
0.32 sec … fastest time score yet on any of these mind games… must have been some extra juice in my coffee this AM!
I found this puzzle very challenging. It did take me awhile to complete but I finally did it. Great puzzle and it definitely challenged me to spot the differences.
One minute and one second, First try- That is good for me. RC
My first click was a miss. After that it was pretty quick for me, but still too much time used.
1:18 Good for me!
33 secs, 2 mis-clicks, clicking not quit in right area. My best time to date!
1:32 with 3 misses. I enjoy these games so much! thank you.
Amac shroud psst the quickest times for these puzzles, so he/she can compare his/her time.
I’m embarrassed over 5 minutes and had to use 2 revels… I’ll blame it on lack of sleep last night??
2:55 and no misses. The rock took a while to spot. Now more than ever I need to go there!
2 mins!! WhoooHoo. My best time yet! Love these!! Keep them coming!
3:06 This was a tough one for me. Fun and challenging.
1;01 not my best,I’m blaming my wife for slow time because she talked to me while doing it.JOKE love the games
2:49 with 5 missed clicks. My fault, I cut off the upper part of the screen and though I could see there was a difference top center of the screen I didn’t realize the center bridge/viewing area existed and kept clicking too low on the rock formation to identify the difference until I raised the cursor higher on the screen. My wife loves waterfalls and would no doubt love visiting this one from below to see the cascading falls.
2:06 I thought this one was a lot more difficult than most. Surprised my time was this good. This is the first time I had the problem mentioned by others that when I clicked on a difference, it would not circle it.
1:41. Pretty good time for me. I live in NYS and have visited Niagara Falls a few times. The Canadian Falls are absolutely beautiful. If you can visit the falls please do so. You will love them.
1:10 meh
Boy! lol……first liar doesn’t stand a chance!
1:09 Some of the clicks didn’t work at first. 3 missed clicks.
I thought I had done pretty well until I saw the :32 below I am not even posting my time. It took me longer than that to just find the last one Still enjoy these puzzles though
2:49 for me today. Love these ‘Spot the Difference’ and all the puzzles. Thanks AMAC.
1:13 with one miss – only because I didn’t click exactly on the spot.
2:43, but happy with that. Did not have to use any reveals and no missed clicks. Good enough for me.
I REALLY enjoy these things……………..and especially when the frazzlin’ clicker works……………..
some was pretty dark, but a great spotter pic.
51 seconds. My best time yet.
You finished in 0:14
Missed Clicks: 0
Reveals Used: 0
love these games wish there was crossword and crypto quizzes
Tough one!!
58 seconds, not bad! Keep them coming
2:58 no missed clicks and 1 reveal (rock at the bottom left)